
lecher n.淫棍,好色的人。


The high - heel shoes add the beautiful silk socks , & quot; some truth & quot; in addition which mr . qian zhongshu talks about , penetrate the strong weapon which kills the street lecher 高跟鞋加上美麗的絲襪,再加上錢鐘書先生所論的“局部的真理” ,是射殺大街上登徒子的有力武器。

Well met they were , said master dixon , joyed , but , harkee , young sir , better were they named beau mount and lecher for , by my truth , of such a mingling much might come “彼等二人幸得相會矣, ”迪克森君喜曰, “然而,年輕的先生,且聽吾言,彼等毋寧改稱博蒙特與萊徹。

The high - heel shoes add the beautiful silk socks , “ some truth “ in addition which mr . qian zhongshu talks about , penetrate the strong weapon which kills the street lecher 高跟鞋加上美麗的絲襪,再加上錢鐘書先生所論的“局部的真理” ,是射殺大街上登徒子的有力武器。

The kings were either hot - blooded lechers or men who knew nothing but restraint 國王們不是血氣方剛的好色之徒就是除了節制以外什麼都不知道的人。

The old man uses his share to buy raw whiskey and dirty pictures, he is a lecher . 那個老頭兒把自己的一份全部賣了去買純威士忌酒和下流畫片,他是個色鬼。