
lech vi.〔俚語〕好色;貪求 (for; after)。n....


As we are masters of ulm , we cannot lose the advantage of remaining masters also of both sides of the danube ; and moreover able , should the enemy not cross the lech , to pass over the danube at any moment , throw ourselves upon their line of communications , recross the danube lower down , and entirely resist the enemys aim if they should attempt to turn their whole force upon our faithful ally 因為我們占有烏爾姆,我們則可繼續控制多瑙河兩岸的有利形勢因此,如果敵人不橫渡萊希河,我們定能隨時渡過多瑙河,沖至敵人的交通線,并從多瑙河下游渡河返回原地,如果敵人欲以全部兵力進犯我們的忠實盟軍,我們決不允許敵人實現這一企圖。

After invested into a hi - tech company , individual capitals need a safe environment . the author mainly researches the trust - agent relationship among individual investor , investment organization , venture capitalist and hi - lech company , and the exit of vc 民間資本與高科技風險投資結合需要一個支撐體系,保證民間資本合理運行,本文將從委托代理關系和退出途徑兩方面進行論述。

The u . s . defense secretary was holding talks tuesday with polish president lech kaczynski and defense minister aleksander szczyglo - both of whom have voiced support for the missile shield 蓋茨和波蘭總統卡欽斯基以及國防部長什奇古星期二舉行了會談。這兩人都表示支持導彈防御計劃。

We have a force , perfectly kept together , of nearly 70 , 000 men , in order to attack and defeat the enemy if they should pass the lech 德語:我們具備有充分集中的兵力,約計七萬人,如果敵人橫渡萊希河,我們一定能夠發動進攻,一舉殲滅敵人。

Jaroslaw kaczynski , the prime minister , and his twin brother lech , the president , have disappointed 國家總理雅羅斯瓦夫?卡欽斯基與其雙胞胎弟弟萊赫總統也多次受挫。

Access network provide ue access platform lech which is indepent from core network 接入網絡向移動終端提供不依賴于核心網絡技術的接入平臺。

This manager ' s such a lech 這個經理真是好色之徒

1983 leszek lech walesa poland 1983年萊赫華勒沙波蘭

The nobel peace prize : leszek lech walesa 諾貝爾和平獎-萊赫華勒沙