
lebanese adj.黎巴嫩的,黎巴嫩人的。n.黎巴嫩人。


Two lebanese students placed bombs on regional trains , though these fortunately failed to explode 兩個黎巴嫩學生在地區的火車班車上安放了炸彈,然而幸運的是,這些炸彈都沒爆炸。

The phoenicians were the greatest traders of the ancient world and the lebanese are their descendants 腓尼基人是上古時期西方最偉大的貿易商,而黎巴嫩人正是這批偉大商人的后裔。

The man is a lebanese student suspected of planting two suitcase bombs on the trains last month 該名男子為黎巴嫩籍學生,官方懷疑他于上個月在火車上安置兩枚“箱式炸彈” 。

May chidiac of the lebanese broadcasting corporation is one of the best known faces on lebanese television 梅伊希第亞克是黎巴嫩廣播公司在黎巴嫩電視臺非常著名的主持人。

The man is a lebanese student suspected of planting two suitcase bombs on the trains last month 該男子是一名黎巴嫩學生,他于上月涉嫌將兩個裝有炸彈的旅行箱置于火車內。

Last year in germany , two men of lebanese origin planted bombs on commuter trains ( they failed to explode ) 去年在德國城鐵上安置炸彈(沒有爆炸)的兩個人原籍為黎巴嫩。

Thousands of displaced lebanese are jamming roads as they try to return to their villages in the south 成千上萬流離失所的黎巴嫩人在返回南部村莊的時候,阻塞了道路。

He said lebanese president emile lahoud and his council are expected to ratify the plan during the coming week 他說,黎巴嫩總統拉胡德和議會將在本星期認可這個計劃。

May chidiac of the lebanese broadcasting corporation is one of the best known faces on lebanese television 在黎巴嫩電視臺工作的梅依.西迪亞克在黎巴嫩是家喻戶曉的。

The lebanese military is getting help from foreign governments in its fight against islamic militants 黎巴嫩軍隊與伊斯蘭武裝的戰斗得到了其他國家政府的援助。

The man is a lebanese student suspected of planting two suitcase bombs on the trains last month 該男子是一名黎巴嫩學生,上月他涉嫌在火車上放置兩枚手提箱炸彈。

It certainly cannot be disarmed , as israel says piously it should be , by the official lebanese army 不管以色列多么虔誠地認為,黎巴嫩軍方當然無法將其解除武裝。

May chidiac of the lebanese broadcasting corporation is one of the best known faces on lebanese television 黎巴嫩廣播公司的梅是黎巴嫩熒幕上最有名的記者之一。

M . s of the lebanese broadcasting corporation is one of the best known faces on lebanese television 來自黎巴嫩廣播公司,是黎巴嫩電視上出境率最高的少數人之一。

It certainly cannot be disarmed , as israel says piously it should be , by the official lebanese army 不管以色列多么一廂情愿,黎巴嫩軍方顯然無法將其解除武裝。

In the middle east , lebanese troops , tanks and armored vehicles deployed south of the litani river 在中東地區,黎巴嫩部隊,坦克和裝甲車派遣去利塔尼河南部。

Lebanese medics say the air attacks friday killed at least 12 people and wounded 18 others 黎巴嫩醫務急救人員說,在星期五的空襲造成至少12人喪生, 18人受傷。

There has to be an understanding among the lebanese , and we need to help them come to that understanding 我聽出的的第一段的最后一句.可能有一些小小的不同

Two lebanese students placed bombs on regional trains , though these fortunately failed to explode 兩名黎巴嫩學生將炸彈放在火車箱內,所幸炸彈沒有爆炸。