
leastways adv.至少,無論如何。


It was battle murder , and sudden death , leastways - him against six billy bones was the mate ; long john , he was quartermaster and they asked him where the treasure was . ah , say he , you can go ashore , if you like , and stay , he says but as for the ship , she ll beat up for more , by thunder 比爾彭斯是大副高個子約翰,他是舵手他們問他金銀財寶藏在哪兒了,啊,他說,你們想的話,可以上岸去,還可以呆在那里,他說,但是至于船,要去搜羅更多的財寶哩,你們這些挨雷劈的!

She run off in de night some time - nobody don t know jis when ; run off to get married to dat young harney shepherdson , you know - leastways , so dey spec . de fambly foun it out bout half an hour ago - maybe a little mo - en i tell you dey warn t no time los . sich another hurryin up guns en hosses you never see 她是晚上什么一個時候出走的究竟是什么一個時間,誰也不知道是出走去和年輕的哈尼歇佛遜結昏婚去的,知道吧至少人家是這么個說法,是家里給發現的,大約是在半個鐘頭以前也許還更早一些我告訴你吧,他們可真是沒有耽誤一點兒時間。

I had the road all to myself , and i fairly flew - leastways , i had it all to myself except the solid dark , and the now - and - then glares , and the buzzing of the rain , and the thrashing of the wind , and the splitting of the thunder ; and sure as you are born i did clip it along 大路上只有我一個人,我簡直如飛一般奔去這大路之上,只有我這么一個人,此外便是黑漆漆伸手不見五指,電光偶爾一閃一閃,雨嘩嘩地下,風刮得人發疼,雷一聲聲炸裂開來,而我呢,就飛也似地往前沖去。

Leastways , if you don t , i do ; and i wait here - and i m still your cap n , mind - till you outs with your grievances , and i reply , in the meantime , your black spot aint worth a biscuit “我還以為你真懂規矩呢, ”西爾弗輕蔑地回了幾句, “你要是不懂的話,我教你。別忘了,眼前我還是你們的船長。我要在這里直等到你們提出對我不滿意的理由來,我再給你們答復。

Right you was , sir , says he , haul your wind and keep the weather of the island . leastways , if such was your intention as to enter and careen , and the ain t no better place for that in these waters 你是對的,閣下, ”他說, “至少,要是你想進港修整一下的話,要在這里收帆,靠攏下風岸,再也沒有比這一帶水域更適宜的地方了。 ”

And here s mrs . cruncher , or leastways wos in the old england times , and would be to - morrow , if cause given , a floppin again the business to that degree as is ruinating stark ruinating 還有個克朗徹太太,一有理由就跪下來禱告,反對他做生意,弄得他傾家蕩產,倒霉透頂,至少原來在英國是這樣,以后還會是這樣。

Just fishes a little , to get money to get drunk on - and loafs around considerable ; but lord , we all do that - leastways most of us - preachers and such like 不過是釣釣魚,去賣錢來換酒大喝一通常到處閑逛可是,老天,咱們也沒少干這些事啊起碼咱們多半都是這樣連布道的人也不例外。

Come , come , said silver , stow this talk . he s dead , and he don t walk , that i know ; leastways , he won t walk by day and you may lay to that “得了,得了, ”西爾弗說, “別談那些事了,人已經死了,不會再出來了,我知道,至少大白天鬼魂不會出來游蕩,你們可以相信我的話。

Maybe you can get him to believe that jim is your nigger - some idiots don t require documents - leastways i ve heard there s such down south here 說不定你能說服他杰姆是你的黑奴世界上是有些傻瓜并不要求人家提出什么文件至少我聽說,在這一帶下游南方地區就有這樣的人。

He was a seaman , said george merry , who , bolder than the rest , had gone up close , and was examining the rags of clothing . leastways , this is good sea - cloth “他是個水手, ”喬治墨利說,他比其他人要膽大些,敢走上前看看衣服的碎片, “至少,他穿的是水手服。 ”

“ no - leastways , not all at once - that is , i don t think i ever see them all come out at once but just one time . “不是的至少不是全體一起進去的。我是說,我從沒有見他們同時間里一起走出來,只除了一回。 ”

Everybody most , leastways women , cried for joy to see them meet again at last and have such good times 大伙兒看到他們終于團聚,彼此這般歡悅,幾乎一個個都高興得為之落淚,至少婦女們都是這樣。

“ which one ? “ i don t know ; leastways , i kinder forget ; but i thinks it s - 至少是我忘啦,不過我想是” “天啊,但愿不是漢娜? ”

After about a half a minute the king drawls out : “ leastways , i did . 大概半分鐘以后,國王慢聲慢氣地說: “至少我是這么想的。 ”

But you re able to hear , i reckon ; leastways , your ears is big enough 但是我想你總還能聽吧,至少你的耳朵長得還夠大。

Leastways , it would be in decent places where there is still teatime 無論如何,得找個能像喝下午茶的地方

Leastways , none of us had looked out 至少我們沒有誰發覺。

Oh , no , i ' m not hungry . leastways , not for lembas bread 噢,不,我不餓至少沒胃口吃蘭巴斯面包

There ' s no pub round here , leastways not that i know of 附近沒有酒店,至少據我所知沒有