
learn vt.(learned , learnt)1.學,學到,...


You will learn how to do it in time . 你早晚能學會做這件事的。

You must learn how to look after yourself . 你要學會調理自己。

He had learned to despise technical dexterity . 他早就懂得輕視技巧的嫻熟。

Yes, i can see that you're beginning to learn . 是啊,我看出你開始懂事了。

We should learn to mix work with adequate rest . 我要勞逸結合。

They weren't learning to respect money . 他們沒有學會節約用錢。

Haven't you learned yet that all is vanity ? 你還不懂得一切都是空虛的嗎?

We are prepared to learn from our mistakes . 我們準備從我們的錯誤中學習。

If you find sth. difficult to learn , do not give up . 學之弗能,弗措也。

She learnt to drive in three weeks . 她用了三個星期學會了開車。

You've got to learn what the score is . 你得弄清楚毛病出在哪里。

I learned that he was suffering from cancer . 我聽說他患了癌癥。

He loves learning , adventure , music . 他酷愛學習、冒險和音樂。

Is she serious about learning to be a pilot ? 她真想學開飛機嗎?

We must learn how to rise on our toes . 我們得去學習怎么樣以趾尖站起來。

I would never learn to operate those machines . 我永遠也別想學會開床子。

It took him only three days to learn to skate . 他三天功夫就學會了滑冰。

I have learned to succor the unfortunate . 我學會了周濟不幸的人。

He learned the geography of the club first . 他首先摸熟了俱樂部的布局。