
leal adj.〔蘇格蘭語〕〔詩〕忠實的;誠實的。 the la...


Either proceed east and north toward the leal senado fountain , or go westward along avenida da praia grande the old waterfront . you ll pass the big pink colored government house first ; behind it , and further along the waterfront at the base of the portuguese consul residence , remnants of the old city fortifications can be seen 從面向議事亭前地的東方及北方,或向西方即南灣大馬路沿著舊日的河堤邊步行,首先進入眼簾的是披著粉紅色外衣的禮賓府,沿路一帶曾是早期葡萄牙人聚居地區,值得細步欣賞。

The director of immigration , mr lai tung - kwok , on behalf of the hong kong government , today ( august 18 ) signed an agreement on abolition of visa requirements with the consul - general of the united mexican states , mr mario leal 入境務處處長黎棟國先生代表香港特區政府與墨西哥合眾國駐港總領事mrmarioleal今日(八月十八日)在香港簽訂了互免簽證協定。

The director of immigration , mr lai tung - kwok , on behalf of the hong kong government , today august 18 signed an agreement on abolition of visa requirements with the consul - general of the united mexican states , mr mario leal 入境務處處長黎棟國先生代表香港特區政府與墨西哥合眾國駐港總領事mr mario leal今日(八月十八日)在香港簽訂了互免簽證協定。

Over the past four centuries , chinese and western style architectures such as the a . ma temple , the mandarin s house , st . dominic s church , leal senado and the ruins of st . paul s etc were erected on the tiny enclave of macau 澳門這片細小的土地上,迄立了四百多年以來的中西式建筑,如媽閣廟、鄭家大屋、玫瑰堂、市政廳大樓及大三巴等。

Robots . var iabl e st ruc t ure cont rol can adapt ively ( leal i th the uncertaint i es of system pal - tljllot e1 ' s and i tlt el - 1 ' eres f1 - om ol ] “ l s i ( le 滑模變結構控制器對系統本身的時變性和系統外部的擾動有完全的自律性,但滑模控制也有些不足,主要是顫振的存在,從而影響了系統的穩態性能。

Mr . mario leal , mexican consul - general attended the commissioning ceremony held today ( 8 february ) and delivered a speech 墨西哥駐港總領事李奧先生出席今天(二月八日)舉行的委員學生代表典禮,并發表演說。

Leal , who spoke about his country ' s latest economic developments including investment and trade 他在講座上分享了墨西哥的最新經濟概況,當中包括投資和貿易發展。

Sharon leal as marylin sudor , the music teacher most of the male students want to sleep with 所以,休閑在波士頓是非常豐富的。運動館及健身方面也同樣豐富。