
league n.1.同盟,聯盟,盟約。2.社團,聯合會,競賽聯合會。...

league table

As american diplomats were never able to overcome chile's opposition, wilson's plan for western hemispheric league of nations collapsed . 由于美國外交家們從未能克服智利的反對,威爾遜建立西半球國際聯盟的計劃乃告破產。

Thus considerably more than the necessary two thirds in the senate favored ratification of the treaty and membership in the league . 這樣看來,參議院中贊成批準條約并參加國際聯盟的議員,相當大地超過必需的三分之二。

The league of nations is, in a practical sense, a british conception, and it harmonises perfectly with all our past methods and actions . 國際聯盟實際上是英國的概念,它和我們以前的一切方法和行動極其和諧一致。

On the country and state levels they organized alliances and leagues to work for local option and statewide prohibition . 在縣和州一級,他們組成聯盟和聯合會,為地方專賣權和全州范圍的禁酒工作進行活動。

China appealed to the league of nations for protection on september 21, 1931, and the whole world turned to britain and the united states . 1931年9月21日,中國請求國際聯盟保護,而全世界則望著英、美。

The most important movement in the peace movement came when wilson espoused the league idea and the liberal peace program . 當威爾遜支持該聯盟想法和開明的和平綱領時,和平運動進入它最重要的時刻。

Day after day he trembled with excitement as the relations between the trust and league became more and more strained . 一天又一天,托辣斯和那個聯盟之間的關系越來越緊張了,叫他興奮得直發抖。

Rich coached track at kennedy and was perhaps the best and most durable bicyclist in the league . 里奇是肯尼迪學校的田徑教練。他可能要算協會里最出色,最有耐力的自行車運動員了。

A small but influential minority of public leaders continued to agitate for entrance into the league of nations . 人數不多但很有影響的一群少數派出眾領袖繼續鼓動加入國際聯盟。

He had seen woodrow wilson destroyed by congress's rejection of the league in 1919 . 他曾親眼目睹伍德羅威爾遜就是因為國會在1919年拒絕他有關國聯的主張,才遭滅頂之災。

He would tell the people the truth about their stake in preserving peace through the league of nations . 他將把通過國際聯盟保持和平與美國人民利害攸關的真理告訴人民。

For the first time and the last time the league of nations seemed to have at its disposal a secular arm . 國際聯盟似乎第一次也是最后一次操有一種永久性的武器。

The league were prepared to use the united strength of all its members to curb mussolini's policy . 國際聯盟準備用各會員國的聯合力量來抵制墨索里尼的政策。

Mr. wilson's assistant counts for a good deal in this mystery of the red-headed league . 威爾遜先生的伙計在這個紅發會的神秘事件中起了很大的作用。

He thought that the archdeacon and mr. arabin had leagued together against eleanor's comfort . 他認為副主教和阿拉賓先生聯合起來,不容愛莉娜安逸。

He cheerfully abandoned the plan in return for british support for the league of nations . 為換取英國對國際聯盟的支持,他又欣然放棄這一計劃。

League after league the earth lies flat, heaves a little, is flat again . 大地平平展展,偶爾有些起伏,但過去之后又是一望無際的平原了。

An american counterpart was the league to enforce peace, organized in june 1915 . 1915年6月組成的美國實現和平聯盟,也是這樣一個團體。

But if he had starred at baseball, it was in some league i did not know . 倘若他真是個出過風頭的棒球手,那棒球也就不成其為棒球了。