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leading note leading note = leading tone.

leading question

Since the leading tone ( leading note ) generally rises to the tonic , doubling the leading note in simple four - part writing would result in doubled leading tone ( note ) followed by a doubled tonic , making the undesirable parallel octaves 導音通常升至主音,四聲部寫作中重奏導音會導致重奏后的導音后跟隨一個重奏后的主音,從而造成并不需要的八度平行。

The first degree of the diatonic scale is the tonic , the second the supertonic , the third the mediant , the fourth the subdominant , the fifth the dominant , the sixth the submediant , the seventh the leading tone or leading note 自然音階的第一級為主音,第二級為上主音,第三級為中音,第四級為下屬音,第五級為屬音,第六級為下中音,第七級為導音。

In simple four - part writing this is most evident when the leading tone ( leading note ) follows its naturally tendency to move to the tonic 在簡單的四聲部寫作中,導音遵循其自然屬性移向主音時最為明顯。