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leading case 【法律】典型案件。

leading coefficient

Finally , delivery of cargo without original bills of lading promote the development of shipping in a way in practice , it has reasonability in existence . chapter three is writer ' s study for 10 leading cases of chinese maritime court and court of cassation concerning delivery of cargo without original bills of lading , writer conclude as follows : chinese courts are inclined to regard it as breach of contract but not in tort in judicial practice ; chinese courts allow the plaintiff to choose to sue in tort or of breach ; chinese courts have abandoned the viewpoint of “ who holder the bills who must have the right to sue “ or “ who holder the bills who must win the case “ ; and in many cases concerning delivery of cargo without original bills of lading , the court ignored plaintiff ' s actions against the carrier , it proved that carrier can escape reasonability of delivery of cargo without original bills of lading in some cases 第三章論述我國海事法院及其上級法院就無單放貨案件審理的司法審判實踐研究,通過對十個法院判例的分析、歸納,筆者認為,在司法實踐中,法院越來越傾向于將無單放貨糾紛視為運輸合同糾紛處理,而不認定為侵權行為糾紛;法院允許原告起訴時以侵權起訴或違約起訴作出選擇;法院對提單持有人的訴權認定,已經不采用“誰持有提單誰就有訴權”與“誰持有提單就能保證勝訴”的觀點;有諸多的無單放貨的訴訟案例以被法院駁回起訴為結局,證明了無單放貨在特定情況下的合理性以及承運人有避免承擔責任的可能性。

In the leading case of hochster v . de la tour , british court created the rule of repudiation in 1853 , which allowed the victim to cancel contract and claim damages when the other party breached contract expressly . again in 1894 ' s mrs . single v . mr . single , british court established diminished expectation , allowing the victim to suspend his performance and to demand adequate assurance of the other party ' s performance if the other party breached main contract obligations , or to cancel contract and to claim damages when the other party failed to provide assurance of his performance 本章第二節對明示預期違約進行了分析,從以下三方面展開:一、明示預期違約規則的確立與發展英美法最早于1853年英國法院在審理霍切斯特訴戴?納?陶爾案中確立了明示預期違約規則,允許預期違約的受害方當事人在對方違反合同主要義務時解除合同,并向違約方請求損害賠償。

The other one advocated regarding the dominant , effective cause as the proximate cause . and the insurer would be responsible to the loss caused by proximate cause . in this chapter , i will try my best to show the theories of causation of different scholars , and how the principle of proximate cause is used in the leading cases 對保險人來說,他只負責賠償承保危險作為近因所造成的損失,對于承保危險為遠因造成的損失不承擔賠償責任,避免了保單項下不合理的索賠;對被保險人來說,他可以防止保險人以損失原因是遠因為借口,解除保單項下的責任,不承擔承保風險所造成的損失。

Warranty as the most feature content in marine insurance law , has nothing provisions in cmc , which have to say it is a pity . the thesis primary discusses the warranty from the provisions in 1906mia , and studies the leading cases in the practice of british marine insurance . finally , thinks that warranty should establish warranty should establish in cmc . simultaneity . bringing forward the reasonable suggestions to the article 235 in cmc 本文即主要從1906mia對保證的規定入手進行論述,并對英國對保證規定的有關判例進行必要研究,最后認為,保證有必要在我國海商法中確立的結論,同時對中國海商法第235條提出了合理化完善建議。

We will reach the essence of it in this chapter by reading the leading cases such as the merak [ 1965 ] and the annefield [ 1971 ] , which reflect the attitude of english court towards general incorporation clause and special incorporation clause ; the miramar [ 1984 ] and the rena - k [ 1978 ] , which reveal the verbal manipulation regulations on incorporated clauses from c / p ; the sannicholas [ 1976 ] , which gives resolution when the incorporation clause fails to point out the c / p meant to incorporate 本文在分析英國典型案例的基礎上對這些規定逐一予以分析。首先,通過merak案、 annefield案的分析介紹英國法對一般并入條款和特別并入條款的規定;其次,通過miramar案、 renak案的分析揭示英國法對意圖被并入提單的租約條款作語言調整的規定;最后,通過sannicholas案闡明英國法在并入條款未指明提單意圖并入哪一份租約時的處理方式。

Ceibs case development center is a member institution of ecch , the leading case distributor in the world . at present , more than 100 ceibs cases are distributed worldwide through ecch 中歐案例研究中心是全球最大的案例交流機構歐洲案例交流中心ecch的成員,目前已有一百多篇案例通過ecch在全球發售。

Rgb flashli . . led cases Rgb手電筒,模組

Fusion of the leading case law and the systematic active law of documents 論判例法與制訂法的融合