
lead n.1.鉛,鉛制品。2.【航海】測鉛,測深錘,水砣。3....

lead acetate

We are leading them into a trap . 我們在把他們誘入一個圈套。

She had been led through the best galleries . 她們陪著她穿過琳瑯滿目的畫廊。

Continuous application may lead to sensitization . 連續用藥可導致敏化作用。

Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares . 一群暴徒在要道聚眾鬧事。

The dismissals led to a strike . 雇主解雇工人導致了罷工事件。

Concerted action alone leads to victory . 步調一致才能得勝利。

This had to lead to war sooner or later . 這樣就遲早導致戰爭。

The concept leads to many questions . 這一概念引出了不少問題。

Finally i was led to another cluster of tents . 我最后被帶到另一排帳篷里。

We led a happy enough existence as children . 我們小時候的生活過得很愉快。

Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door . 四層精美的石階引至前門。

After an interval, astill took the lead . 過了一會兒,阿斯蒂爾帶了個頭兒。

He led his life , pinching and scraping . 他省吃儉用地過日子。

Occasionally red lead is added to the leady oxide . 有時將鉛丹加到鉛粉中。

Corresponding figures for lead were 27 and 4. 7 . 鉛的相關曲線為27和47。

As an individual i led a charmed life . 作為個人,我過的是令人陶醉的生活。

My sister plays the leading role in this film ... 這部電影是我姐姐的主角。

Who is to lead the party into the next election ? 誰率領該黨參加下次選舉?

He is one of the leading brains in the country . 他是國家的知識分子精英。