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law lord 〔亦作 l- l-〕〔英國〕上院執掌司法的議院。

law maker

The current pool of judges from other common law jurisdictions is a who s who of the common law world - from britain , two serving law lords , lord nicholls of birkenhead and lord hoffman ; from australia , former chief justice of the high court sir anthony mason and former high court judge sir daryl dawson ; and from new zealand , retired president of the court of appeal and privy councillor , lord cooke of thorndon , and retired court of appeal judge sir edward somers 名單上現有的一批來自其他普通法適用地區的法官,均是普通法適用國家的著名人士兩名英國在任的上議院高級法官lord nicholls of birkenhead和lord hoffman澳洲前高等法院首席法官sir anthony mason和前高等法院法官sir daryl dawson新西蘭已退休的上訴法庭庭長暨樞密院成員lord cooke of thorndon ,以及已退休的上訴法庭法官sir edward somers 。

The current pool of judges from other common law jurisdictions is a who s who of the common law world - from britain , two serving law lords , lord nicholls of birkenhead and lord hoffman ; from australia , former chief justice of the high court sir anthony mason and former high court judge sir daryl dawson ; and from new zealand , retired president of the court of appeal and privy councillor , lord cooke of thorndon , and retired court of appeal judge sir edward somers 名單上現有的一批來自其他普通法適用地區的法官,均是普通法適用國家的著名人士? ?兩名英國在任的上議院高級法官lordnichollsofbirkenhead和lordhoffman ;澳洲前高等法院首席法官siranthonymason和前高等法院法官sirdaryldawson ;新西蘭已退休的上訴法庭庭長暨樞密院成員lordcookeofthorndon ,以及已退休的上訴法庭法官siredwardsomers 。

The law lords are to be pulled out into a separate supreme court , but the fate of the 26 church of england bishops who currently sit in the lords is not yet clear 貴族法官將會另組一個最高法院,但26位現任貴族的英國教堂主教的命運尚未有定數。

Rom . 7 : 1 or are you ignorant , brothers ( for i speak to those who know the law ) , that the law lords it over the man as long as he lives 羅七1弟兄們,我現在對明白律法的人說,你們豈不知律法作主管轄人,是在他活著的時候么?

The law lords looked at two main questions : was the person involved actually detained and , if he or she was detained , was the detention lawful 高級法官考察了兩個主要問題:患者是否被實際收留;如果是,這種收留是否合法?

Or are you ignorant , brothers ( for i speak to those who know the law ) , that the law lords it over the man as long as he lives 1弟兄們,我現在對明白律法的人說,你們豈不知律法作主管轄人,是在他活著的時候么?

The landmark decision by seven law lords unanimously dealt a fresh blow to the government ' s fight against terrorism 在七月七日的爆炸案之后,首相曾經提議在對待恐怖分子上許多法律原則都改變一下。