
laughton n.勞頓〔姓氏〕。


Charles lazarus , trumpet ; stuart laughton , trumpet ; bernhard scully , horn ; gene watts , trombone ; and chuck daellenbach , tuba , have made the brass quintet an exciting vehicle for serious concert music 加拿大銅管樂五重奏以其獨特手法,透過銅管樂五重奏成為一種刺激的媒介,演奏嚴肅的音樂會樂曲。

Mums and dads were all chatting away as adults do , the ladies drinking tea and the men holding glasses and talking in deep voices looking out at the laughton ' s beautiful property 在大家品嘗著她們的飲料和蛋糕時媽媽邀請大人們到房子附近,那里奶奶為她們準備了更多的好吃的東西。

So , mum invited six young ladies , with their ponies of course , to come to the laughton ' s property for a day of fun and a pony race 媽媽邀請了六位小女孩,當然她們帶來了她們的小馬來到了勞頓莊園。

Dir : charles laughton 導演:查爾斯勞頓

So laughton called me back from cia archives 勞頓從中情局存檔室回電話給我