
laughter n.1.笑,笑聲。2.〔古語〕好笑的事。3.〔美俚〕力量...


Her laughter and fragrance and willful glances were his tribute . 她的歡笑、溫馨和秋波也是獻給他的。

A burst of laughter made him straighten himself and look round . 一陣笑聲使他挺直了身子向左右張望。

Every new announcement of hers was greeted with shouts of laughter . 她說的每一句話都引起哄堂大笑。

He hooted with laughter . 他哈哈大笑。

This utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter . 他的講話引起陣陣哄然大笑。

He stared at her, and all the laughter went out of his face . 他愣愣地盯著她,笑容一下子消失了。

He cycled away, leaving the laughter and music behind . 他騎車走了很遠還能聽到后面的笑聲和歌聲。

All three of us broke out into gay but cautious laughter . 我們三人會心地笑了,但只好抿著嘴笑。

They roared with laughter . 他們哄堂大笑。

Then she tickled me into a burst of laughter . 然后,她用手指輕輕地搔我,癢得我發出一陣大笑。

There was a peal of laughter . 有一陣笑聲。

He suddenly burst into laughter and dropped her arm . 他當即哈哈大笑起來,并放開了她的臂膀。

A little note of hysteria crept into tonder's laughter . 托德的笑聲里帶了點歇斯底里的音調。

A shout of laughter went up from the sweating cooks . 汗流夾背的廚師們爆發出一陣哄堂大笑。

Her laughter was the most catching i ever heard . 她的笑聲是我聽到過的最富有感染力的笑聲。

He was shaking with laughter . 他笑得前俯后仰。

I heard your laughter running down a million streets . 我聽見你的笑聲在千街萬巷中回響。

There was much laughter when keesh spoke of hunting . 當季奚說到打獵時,哄笑聲更多了。

Joseph at the words burst out into a wild fit of laughter . 喬瑟夫聽了這話,哈哈大笑。