
latter adj.1.后面的,末了的,末尾的 (opp. firs...


He leaned heavily upon mason's arms while the latter sustained him as best as he could . 他沉重地倒在梅森的胳膊上,梅森用力托住他。

The latter process could handle only 30% of the flow and was deemed very costly . 后一種方法只能處理總流量的30,并相信費用極高。

In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism, incompetence, and corruption . 在后期,它是獨裁、無能和腐化的代號。

The latter method is more appropriate for the location of more deeply buried deposits . 后一個方法更適用于確定深理的礦體。

He could no longer parry the fierce attacks of the latter by simple avoidance . 他不能光是用逃避來抵擋后者的兇猛的攻擊了。

In case of a conflict between the rules and a contract the latter shall govern . 如本規則與合同發生矛盾時,應以合同為準。

He looked at sohlberg smoothly, ironically, while the latter flared up . 他平靜地、諷刺地望著蘇爾白,這時蘇爾白勃然大怒。

At the latter point, a strong wind commences to blow away from the explosion . 在后一點,開始有一股強烈的風從爆炸處吹來。

If the latter is less “native“ it surely cannot be denounced as “alien“ . 如果說后者欠缺本土色彩,那也不能說它是外來的。

She did not dislike lily because the latter was brilliant and predominant . 他不喜歡麗莉并非因為后者聰明漂亮,高高在上。

The latter process is analogous to the rate at which trees grow or wine ages . 后一過程近似于樹木成長和陳酒存放的速率。

If the latter is less “native“ it surely cannot be denounced as “alien“ . 如果說后者欠缺本土色彩,也不能說它是外來的。

The latter factor drops out when average annual temperatures are considered . 若考慮年平均溫度,則可將后一個因素除掉。

The former was of gold and sharp pointed, the latter blunt and tipped with lead . 一支是尖頭金的,另一支是鈍頭鉛的。

The latter book has a unity of viewpoint, is excellently set forth . 后一本書有統一的觀點,出色地作了詳細的闡述。

The use of the latter covers the majority of applications for experimental models . 后者應用于大多數實驗模型。

The latter property of nuclear fission has a significant implication . 核裂變的這后一個性質有一個重要的應用。

In the latter instance we say that there are explosive oscillations . 在后一種情形中我們說存在一個擴幅振蕩。

That much was only the latter act of a much greater drama . 這些都不過是一出巨大得多的戲劇里較后的一幕而已。