
latin adj.1.拉丁的;拉丁語的;拉丁人的。2.天主教的。短...

latin america

In many respects it is a stark and difficult an existence as that of the people in that latin american slum across the ocean . 它在許多方面像大洋對面拉丁美洲貧民窟中人們的生活一樣,貧困而又艱辛。

He would make a shot at a latin tag, but mangle it; he would quote shakespeare, with equally disastrous results . 他要嘗試一下拉丁諺語,可是寫得亂七八糟;他也會引證幾句莎士比亞,結果同樣糟糕。

To free latin america from the snares of foreign concessionaires and bankers, he proposed a farsighted plan . 為使拉丁美洲不致陷入外國特許權所有人和銀行家的圈套,他提出了一個先見之明的計劃。

Two points help to explain why there was no essential change in the latin american policies of the united states in 1913 . 兩種情形有助于解釋為什么1913年美國的拉丁美洲政策沒有本質變化

For those hundreds of millions of people in asia, africa, and latin america, levels of living seemed not to stagnate . 對于亞、非、拉數以億計的人民來說,生活水平并不是沒有提高。

More important, they convinced most latin americans that there were no strings attached to the good neighbor policy . 更重要的是,他使大多數拉美人相信,睦鄰政策并無附帶條件。

Using greek sources, he compiled in latin selections from elementary treatises on arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy . 他根據希臘材料用拉丁文選編算術、幾何與天文的初等讀物。

I was instructed thereafter either to use the reports from the latin american desk or nothing at all . 我接到了指示,要我只引用拉丁美洲科的報告,否則,就什么也不要寫。

Then he began coming to doctors to write out for him the latin names of medicines in chinese characters . 接著他就開始請醫生們給他把藥品的拉丁名稱寫下來,用中文注音。

If they did plump for us, they became as much the target for latin american obloquy as we were . 如果他們一旦堅決支持我們,也就同我們一樣成了拉丁美洲大張撻伐的對象。

The distinctions between latin america and angloamerica are not merely linguistic but also cultural . 拉丁美洲與盎格魯美洲不但有不同的語文,還有不同的文化。

I would let the clever ones learn latin as an honour and greek as a treat . 我不妨讓那些更聰明的學生學點拉丁文作為一種榮譽,同時也學點希臘文,作為消遣。

We firmly support the asian , african and latin american people in their struggle for liberation ! 我們堅決支持亞洲、非洲、拉丁美洲各國人民的解放斗爭。

Illich and freire speak from experience of the impoverished third world of latin america . 伊利奇和弗雷爾從貧窮的拉丁美洲的第三世界的經歷出發進行闡述。

“i'm afraid it's asking a great deal from a gentleman who knows latin and greek. “ “恐怕讓一位懂得拉丁文和希臘文的紳士做這種事有點大材小用了。”

On march 13 the latin american diplomatic corps assembled in the east room of the white house . 3月13日,拉丁美洲國家的外交使團會集在白宮東廳。

The language in which the hag addressed them was a strange and barbarous latin . 那個母夜叉對他們說話時所用的語言是一種古怪而不規范的拉丁語。

George peurbach of vienna started to correct the latin translations of the “almagest“ . 維也納的喬治柏巴赫開始校訂《大匯編》的拉丁文譯本。

In latin america, population growth is already threatening to outpace economic growth . 在拉丁美洲,人口的增長已經有超過經濟增長的危險。