uploads/last ditch.jpg

last ditch 最后一道防線;最后的依靠[手段] (fight to t...

last hurrah

Ultimately , in a last ditch effort to rid his restaurant of flies , the desperate guo hung up a bottle of pesticide over the entrance 最后,為了把蒼蠅趕出飯館,絕望的郭在門口掛了一瓶農藥。

All this has no doubt bred a reasonableness , a remarkably quiet assumption that violence is the last ditch 所有這一切無疑培養了一種理智,一種極其冷靜的設想? ?使用暴力是不得已而為之。

This is a last ditch attempt to frighten us into making concessions , 這是他最后一次仗著還有操縱軍隊的權利企圖恐嚇我們,讓我們做出讓步

The crew made a last ditch effort to put out the blaze before finally abandoning ship 在最后棄船前船員們作了撲滅大火的最后一次努力。

The government was driven to the last ditch by the universal call for peace 當時,人們普遍要求和平,政府已是窮途末路。

He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle 他在一次激戰中奮戰而死。

The military government was driven to the last ditch by the universal call for liberty . 由于全國人民普遍要求自由權利,軍政府已陷于窮途末路。

All the soldiers are determined to die in the last ditch . 全體士兵都決心奮戰到底。