lassitude n.1.疲倦,疲乏。2.厭倦,無精打采。
n. 1.疲倦,疲乏。 2.厭倦,無精打采。 “general lassitude“ 中文翻譯: 神疲乏力“lassitude and weakness“ 中文翻譯: 倦怠無力“lassitude of limbs“ 中文翻譯: 四肢疲倦,四肢倦怠,四肢疲倦“lassitude of the extremities“ 中文翻譯: 四肢乏力“lassitude of the limbs“ 中文翻譯: 四肢疲倦“lassitude, fatigue“ 中文翻譯: 無力,倦怠“physical lassitude“ 中文翻譯: 身體疲乏“lassitude and moving with difficulties“ 中文翻譯: 倦怠乏力和運動失靈“lassitude in loin and legs“ 中文翻譯: 腰腿酸軟“lassitude in the loins and legs“ 中文翻譯: 腰漆酸軟“lassitude of the loins and legs“ 中文翻譯: 腰腿酸軟“lassithi“ 中文翻譯: 拉西錫州“lassiter cst“ 中文翻譯: 拉西特海岸“lassiter“ 中文翻譯: 凌空而來“lassisi“ 中文翻譯: 拉西西“lassiry“ 中文翻譯: 拉西里
lasso |
Little by little her eyes closed , and she lay smiling at the thought of dressing louiset prettily on the following day , while in the slumber into which she once more sank last night s long , feverish dream of endlessly rolling applause returned like a sustained accompaniment to music and gently soothed her lassitude 她慢慢閉上了眼睛,一想到第二天把小路易穿得漂漂亮亮的,臉上不禁露出了笑顏。她又入睡了,像昨天晚上一樣,她又作起狂熱的夢,夢中一片經久不息的喝彩聲,持續很久的雷鳴般的喝彩聲,猶如低沉的音樂伴奏,輕輕消除她的倦意。 |
This types of syndrome is mostly seen in patients with weak constitutions or in the later stage of a disease and in different kinds of chronic cases , marked by lassitude , pallid complexion , palpitation , short breath , spontaneous perspiration , night sweat feverish sensation in the chest , palms and soles or aversion to cold , cold extremities , feeble pulse , etc 這一類型的證候大多出現于體弱的病人、疾病的晚期和各種慢性病中,癥見神疲體倦,面容憔悴,心悸氣短,自汗,盜汗,五心煩熱,畏寒肢冷,脈虛無力等。 |
With the idea thus grounded , rent day approaching , and clothes calling for instant purchase , she soon found excuse in hurstwood s lassitude 這樣打定了這個主意之后,隨著付房租的日子的臨近,加上購置行頭又迫在眉睫,她很快就從赫斯渥的沒精打采上找到了借口。 |
Kutuzov was still at the same spot ; his bulky frame drooped in the saddle with the lassitude of old age , and he was yawning wearily with closed eyes 庫圖佐夫還站在原地不動,現出衰邁的老態,將他那肥胖的身軀俯在馬鞍上,合上眼睛,沉重地打著哈欠。 |
Stephen , who was trying his dead best to yawn , if he could , suffering from dead lassitude generally , replied 斯蒂芬百無聊賴,竭力想打個哈欠,回答說: |
Speech grew more and more indolent , and a sense of lassitude was lulling the room to sleep 她們談話的速度越來越慢,客廳里的人都疲倦了,個個昏昏欲睡。 |
Fatigue and lassitude are also early signs of sub - clinical deficiency of the vitamin 疲倦和無力也是缺乏維生素c的早期臨床癥狀。 |
Her courage was lowered to zero by her physical lassitude 她由于身體疲乏,勇氣降到零點。 |
It was lassitude s apology to energy 這是無精打采的人面對精力充沛的人找的托辭。 |
Sometimes we feel lassitude on a hot summer day 我們在炎熱的夏日有時感到倦怠。 |
And in his hands, which were small to effeminacy, the blue and swollen veins indicated the lassitude and weakness of the relaxed fibred . 他那女人般的纖手上青筋突出,說明肌肉已松弛無力。 |
Here we surrender ourselves easily to pleasure, and we have the brilliancy of luxury without the lassitude of its pomp . 在這兒,我們可以盡情享樂,既十分舒適,又沒有令人厭煩的浮華氣。 |
The girl made no answer, but she dropped on one of the seat with an air of lassitude . 女孩子沒有理睬他,只是疲倦地倒在一張椅子上。 |
Fatigue and lassitude are also early signs of sub-clinical deficiency of the vitamin . 疲倦和無力也是缺乏維生素C的早期臨床癥狀。 |
Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm . 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懶洋洋的,感到一種遠離塵世的寧靜。 |
With all my lassitude i have strength enough to see it out . 盡管我那么困倦,我有足夠看到結果的力氣。 |
Lassitude occurs early in the course of the disease . 病初出現疲倦。 |