
laryngeal adj.1.【解剖學】喉的。2.【醫學】侵犯喉頭的;醫喉...


The examination and post - operation quality of life correlation study of apoptosis - suppressing oncoprotein in patients with laryngeal carcinoma 喉癌組織中抗凋亡基因檢測與患者術后生活質量相關性研究

We encountered a case of laryngeal tuberculo - sis with unique clinical pictures simulating those of supraglottic laryngeal cancer 喉結核的臨床表現目前更為多樣化了,偶爾病人會表現出類似喉癌的癥狀。

Objective to objectively , scientifically , quantitatively analyse the image of the laryngeal disease obtained from the laryngostroboscope 目的對頻閃喉鏡檢查所獲得的喉病圖像進客觀、科學、定量分析。

Radionecrosis must be differentiated from cancer recurrence following curative radiotherapy for early laryngeal cancer 早期喉癌在接受治愈性放射線治療后,放射線性壞死必須要與癌癥復發做?別診斷。

Conclusion it is a better method of diagnosing laryngeal disease that the laryngostroloboscopic image is analysed by multimedia 結論應用多媒體技術對頻閃喉鏡圖像進行分析是診斷喉病的較好方法。

Effect of functional neuromuscular stimulation on the recovery of larynx function after regeneration of recurrent laryngeal nerve in canine 功能性神經肌肉刺激對犬神經再支配喉功能恢復的作用

We believe that this patient ' s airway obstruction was likely secondary to laryngospasm rather than laryngeal edema 我們認為,該例患者的氣道阻塞很可能是繼發性喉痙攣,而不是喉頭水腫。

Smoking also increases the risk of many other diseases like laryngeal cancer , oral cancer , peptic ulcer , etc 吸煙亦會大大增加患上多種疾病的危險,如咽喉癌、口腔癌、胃潰瘍等。

Smoking also increases the risk of many other diseases like laryngeal cancer , oral cancer , peptic ulcer , etc 吸煙亦會大大增加患上多種疾病的危險,如咽喉癌口腔癌胃潰瘍等。

Assessment of postoperative quality of life in patients with laryngeal carcinoma and the psychological and behavioral intervention 心理行為干預對肺癌化療患者生活質量的影響

Laryngeal function preservation and voice reconstruction in surgical treatment of hypopharyngeal and cervical esophageal carcinoma 頸段食管癌手術切除后保留喉功能與發聲重建

An 81 - year - old male with early - stage laryngeal carcinoma had been treated with 60gy curative radiotherapy 摘要一位81歲早期喉癌男性曾經接受60格雷劑量的治療性放射線療法。

Expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor in ambiguous nucleus motoneuron af ter long - term laryngeal denervation 長期喉返神經損傷后疑核運動神經元睫狀神經營養因子的表達

Occa - sionally , patients with laryngeal tuberculosis may present with the symptoms and signs as laryngeal cancer 隨著胞結核發生率的下降,喉結核也顯示同樣的下降傾向。

3 hoarseness : lung metastases laryngeal nerve compression will enable sbc bi vocal hoarseness result 聲音嘶啞:肺癌轉移灶壓迫喉神經,可使聲帶單板機痹而致聲音嘶啞。

Laryngeal tuberculosis was common in the past and usually accompanied by advanced pulmonary diseases 摘要喉結想以往相當常見,而且常合并肺部疾病又高傳染性。

The treatment of advanced laryngeal cancer constitutes a constant challenge to surgeons 摘要晚期喉癌患者的治療對于頭頸腫瘤醫生一直是一個挑戰。

Telomerase reverse transcriptase and nuclear factor kappa b p65 expression in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma 65在喉鱗狀細胞癌中的表達

By the cormack s classification , all the patients had the laryngeal exposure of grade or more 全部患者的喉頭顯露均為級或級以上。