
larva n.( pl. -s, -vae )1.【動物;動物學】...


H - 13 ( achromobacter ) . can facilitate the metamorphosis of ascidian larvae 無色桿菌屬的h - 13能誘導幼體變態。

The bladder larva of clonorchis sinenis infected in the megalobrama hoffmanni 廣東魴魚苗體內華支睪吸蟲囊蚴的感染

2 . a suitable feed for shrimp larvae , fish fry and tropical fish hatcheries 2 .三種顆粒大小適合不同體型的蝦魚苗

Improves and aids the metabolism of the digestive systems of the larvae 改善及幫助蝦苗消化系統的正常代謝機能。

The hatching larvae are parasitic , feeding on the flesh of the host 幼蟲在孵化過程中是寄生的,靠寄主的肉為生。

The eggs are passed out with stool , and hatch into larvae in soil 蟲卵經糞便排出體外,在泥土內孵化成幼蟲。

Research outline of n - 6 high unsaturated fatty acid for marine fish larvae 6系列高度不飽和脂肪酸研究概況

When they hatch , fish larvae struggle to get around and to survive 剛剛孵化的小魚寶寶其實泳技也很糟糕。

Tolerance of sepiella maindroni larvae to environmental conditions 曼氏無針烏賊幼體生態因子耐受性的研究

It eats frogs , insects , and larvae , which are the eggs insects ' lay 它吃青蛙、昆蟲和昆蟲卵生成的幼蟲。

Micro - encapsulated larvae feeds . gap , ghp , art . artemia 微膠囊飼料蝦苗丹魚苗丹人工鹵素1 2 3號三種

Different bait feeding comparison for crassostrea gigas larvae 太平洋牡蠣面盤幼蟲不同餌料的投喂比較

Effect of antibactrial proteins of musca domestica larvae on a 家蠅幼蟲抗菌蛋白對黑色素瘤細胞的影響

Feeding rhythm of southern flounder paralichthys lethostigma larvae 海水動物育苗中骨條藻的培養技術

A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly 毛蟲是蝴蝶的幼體

When the larvae become fireflies , 當那些幼蟲變成螢火蟲的時候

That evening another team member found four more larvae 那天傍晚,另一位隊員也找到了四只若蟲。

Tadpoles , fish , shrimps and insect larvae 蝌蚪魚蝦及幼小的昆蟲

The morphological development in larvae and juveniles of oxyeleotris lineolatus 稚魚的形態發育