
lapse n.1.時間的消逝[推移,間隔]。2.緩流。3.錯失,過...

lapse rate

A lapse in memory : is it a proof of non - existence 記憶的間斷:它可以證明不存在麼?

His testimony was marked by many lapses of memory 他的證詞有許多地方記錯。

He slept for a while and lapsed into dreaminess 他睡了一會兒就墮入恍忽迷離的境界。

When madeline let her membership lapse 馬德琳怎么會眼看自己的會員身份失效呢

He lapsed into a coma and never recovered 他陷入昏迷之中,并且永遠沒有醒過來。

This offer will be lapsed automatically after the time limit 這項要約在期限過后

He soon lapsed into his previous bad habits 很快地他又養成了以前的那些壞習慣。

She was forced to invent insignificant jobs, to prove to herself she had not lapsed from the faith which necessity and her origins made the only possible one . 她不得不想些無關緊要的事情做做,借以證明自己并沒有叛離那由于貧困和出身而造成的唯一的信仰。

During this unavoidable lapse of time the bridegroom, in proof of his eagerness, was expected to expose himself alone to the gaze of the assembled company . 在這不可避免的間隙中,新郎必須單獨出現在眾目睽睽之下,以表明他對新娘情真意切的渴望。

What has the actual lapse of time got to do with it? it is only shallow people who require years to get rid of an emotion . 時間的具體推移跟這有什么相干?只有淺薄的人才需要花長年累月的時間來擺脫一種感情。

After a long lapse from favour there has been a revival of interest in the use of grain-size distribution in the interpretation of environments . 在長期放棄用粒度分布解釋環境之后,這種興趣又恢復起來了。

The world of dreams is our real world whilst we are sleeping because our attention then lapses from the sensible world . 在睡眠中夢見的世界便是我們的真實世界,因為那時我們的注意力已從可感知世界轉移開。

It had become a religion with him to preserve in good condition all that had lapsed from his mother's hands to his own . 他把他母親留給他的一切手澤永遠好好地保存,他認為是一種天經地義。

Two hundred years would lapse before conclusive experimental evidence established the “particulate“ nature of matter . 又過了兩百年,才有肯定的實驗證據確認物質的“粒子性”本質。

Yes! after the lapse of eight centuries, the moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city . 是呀!經歷了八個世紀的歲月,月亮寶石再度照耀著這座圣城的城墻。

He could forgive attacks of nerves, panic, bad unexplainable actions, all sorts of lapses . 他可以寬恕突然發作的歇斯底里,驚慌失措,惡劣的莫名其妙的動作,各種各樣的失誤。

We see nothing of these slow changes in progress until the hand of time has marked the lapse of ages . 我們對于這些緩慢變化的進行,一點也不能覺察,除非有時代變遷的標記。

There is a substantial lapse of time between the date the estimate is made and the date the order is actually placed . 作出預算的日期和實際訂購日期之間存在較大出入。

It is only gradually, with the lapse of years, that they come to a clear understanding of their position . 隨著歲月的流逝,他們才逐漸清楚地認識到自己的地位。