
lantana n.【植物;植物學】馬纓丹屬 (Lantana) 〔生長...


The result indicated that there wore mainly 91 species distributed in all the cropland , woodland and wasteland in hainan island , and the most harmful species were praxelis clematidea , eupatorium odoratum , parthenium hysterophorus , mimosa sepiaria , wedelia trilobat , lantana camara , eichhornia crassipe , its impact on agriculture was severer than forestry 結果表明,現在海南分布的主要外來入侵植物共有91種,其中最為嚴重的主要有假臭草、飛機草、光英含羞草、微甘菊、馬纓丹、鳳眼蓮等,它們已對海南農林業生產及生態安全造成一定影響,但并沒有引起有關管理部門的重視。

Lantana , fla . - it seems a father ' s plan to cure his daughter ' s fear of heights fell short 這看起來似乎是一位父親為救治女兒的恐高癥而付出的良苦用心。

Analysis on the chemical constituents of the roots of lantana camara l . by gc ms 毛蓼揮發油主要化學成分的研究