
languor n.1.(溫暖氣候等引起的)疲倦;倦怠。2.意氣消悶;郁...


The rocks of the spy - glass re - echoed it a score of times ; the whole troop of marsh - birds rose again , darkening heaven , with a simultaneous whirr ; and long after that death yell was still ringing in my brain , silence had re - established its empire , and only the rustle of the redescending birds and the boom of the distant surges disturbed the languor of the afternoon 在沼地老遠的那邊驀地響起了一聲憤怒的叫喊,接著又是一聲,然后便是一聲可怕的拖長的慘叫,在望遠鏡山的山巖激起了好幾聲回響,沼地的鳥再次成群地振翅驚飛,把天都遮住了。

They repulsed every attempt of mrs . bennet at conversation , and by so doing , threw a languor over the whole party , which was very little relieved by the long speeches of mr . collins , who was complimenting mr . bingley and his sisters on the elegance of their entertainment , and the hospitality and politeness which had marked their behaviour to their guests 班納特太太一開口想跟她們攀談,就被她們拒絕了,弄得大家都沒精打采。柯林斯先生盡管在發表長篇大論,恭維彬格萊先生和他的姐妹們,說他們家的宴席多么精美,他們對待客人多么殷勤有禮,可是他的話也沒有能給大家增加一些生氣。

Even by ten oclock , when the rostovs got out of their carriage before the chapel , the sultry air , the shouts of the street hawkers , the gay , light summer dresses of the crowd , the dusty leaves of the trees on the boulevard , the martial music and white trousers of the battalion marching by to parade , the rattle of the pavements , and the brilliant , hot sunshine , were all full of that summer languor , that content and discontent with the present , which is felt particularly vividly on a bright , hot day in town 炎熱的空氣中,在小販的叫喊聲中,在身著鮮艷明亮的夏裝的人群中,在林蔭道的樹木落滿塵土的葉子上,在一營前去換防的軍隊的軍樂聲中以及他們的白色的長褲上,在馬路上轔轔的車輪聲中,在炎熱的太陽刺目的照耀下,一切都令人感到炎夏的疲倦。在城中晴朗炎熱的日子里,對現狀滿意和不滿意的感覺顯得特別強烈。

Bloom there for a languor he had but was now better , he having dreamed tonight a strange fancy of his dame mrs moll with red slippers on in pair of turkey trunks which is thought by those in ken to be for a change and mistress purefoy there , that got in through pleading her belly , and now on the stools , poor body , two days past her term , the midwives sore put to it and can t deliver , she queasy for a bowl of riceslop that is a shrewd drier up of the insides and her breath very heavy more than good and should be a bullyboy from the knocks they say , but god give her soon issue 今晚彼曾做一奇夢:其妻摩莉足登紅拖鞋,身著土耳其式緊身褲,博聞多識者謂此乃進入一個新階段之征兆。普里福伊太太系住院待產婦109 ,惜預產期已過二日,仍臥于產褥上,助產士焦急萬分,不見分娩。灌以可充作上好收斂劑之米湯一碗,亦嘔吐之,且呼吸無比困難。

Her lips , must be indeed rich , delicious , and exhilarating , in its chased and golden beaker ; or else leave an inevitable and weary languor , after the lees of bitterness wherewith she had been 今后舉到她唇邊的盛在雕花的金色大杯中的生活的美酒,肯定是醇厚馥郁和令人陶醉的不然的話,在她喝慣了具有強效的興奮劑式的苦酒渣之后,必然會產生一種厭煩的昏昏然之感。

And sir leopold sat with them for he bore fast friendship to sir simon and to this his son young stephen and for that his languor becalmed him there after longest wanderings insomuch as they feasted him for that time in the honourablest manner 利奧波德爵士留于席間,蓋彼與西蒙爵士及其公子青年斯蒂芬親密無間。彼長途跋涉后,備受殷勤款待,倦意漸消。

However , due to the complex work environment and high pressure , some psychological problems of university counselors are found such as languor , anxiety , unbalance , isolation and indulgence 當前由于社會發展步伐加快,工作環境復雜,壓力增大,部分輔導員身上存在著工作倦怠和熱情缺乏,心意浮躁和心理焦慮,心態失衡,自我封閉或放縱等問題。

An increasing sense of languor had left muffat without any power of resistance , and after looking round for the marquis de chouard , who had disappeared , he ended by following the journalist 繆法越來越優柔寡斷,遇事拿不定主意,他用目光四下尋找德舒阿爾侯爵,終不見蹤影,便跟著新聞記者走了。

“ do look here , “ she remarked to lola . “ see what this man says : if you will only deign to grant me one half - hour , “ she repeated , with an imitation of languor “你來看看吧, ”她對蘿拉說, “看看這個人說的話,倘若你能給我半個小時, ”她重復了一遍,裝出可憐巴巴有氣無力的口氣。

He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being 疲倦象漲潮一樣,從他身體的各處涌上來,但是他剛強地打起精神,絕不讓這種令人窒息的疲倦把他淹沒。

It was very like a sea , this deadly languor , that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit 這種要命的疲倦,很象一片大海,一漲再漲,一點一點地淹沒他的意識。

I kissed her gently on her lips and whispered softly in her ears till she half swooned in languor 我輕輕地吻她的嘴唇,軟軟地在她耳邊低語,直到她困倦得半入昏睡。

It is a repose in the light , neither fever nor languor , on the bed or on the meadow 在榮光中休憩,既無癲狂也無倦怠,在床上或在草地。

Causes and countermeasures of vocational languor of teachers in the higher vocational academy 高職院校教師職業倦怠成因及對策

The mental adjustment of the teacher occupational languor in vocational colleges 高職院校教師職業倦怠的心理調適

Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn , and the dew in the air 倦意還逗留在黎明的眼上,露潤在空氣里。

Languor is upon your heart and the slumber is still on your eyes 乏倦壓在你的心上,你眼中尚有睡意。

Queasiness , headaches and languor afflicted her all day 惡心、頭痛和乏力整天折磨著她。

The finger marks had deepened underneath her eyes, a languor came upon her; it made her the more sweet and youthful . 她眼睛下面的指印顯得更深了,她有點神思恍惚的樣子;這就使她顯得越發嬌媚,越發年輕。