languid adj.1.疲倦的。2.(天氣)陰沉的;(市面等)不興旺...
adj. 1.疲倦的。 2.(天氣)陰沉的;(市面等)不興旺的,蕭條的。 3.無精打采的,不活潑的;不高興的,不情愿的。 4.緩慢的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “feel languid“ 中文翻譯: 身上發懶“languid - energetic“ 中文翻譯: 懶散的“languid movements“ 中文翻譯: 懶洋洋的動作“languid pace“ 中文翻譯: 攻擊緩慢術“feel lazy; feel languid“ 中文翻譯: 發懶“speak with a languid drawl“ 中文翻譯: 慢吞吞拉著長調說話“languibonou“ 中文翻譯: 朗吉博努“languiaru“ 中文翻譯: 蘭吉亞魯河“langui y layo lake“ 中文翻譯: 蘭吉拉約湖“languidic“ 中文翻譯: 朗吉迪克“langui qi“ 中文翻譯: 齊蘭桂“languidly“ 中文翻譯: 疲倦地; 陰沉地“langueux“ 中文翻譯: 朗格
languish |
Mmediately he began to descend from the upland to the fat alluvial soil below , the atmosphere grew heavier ; the languid perfume of the summer fruits , the mists , the hay , the flowers , formed therein a vast pool of odour which at this hour seemed to make the animals , the very bees and butterflies , drowsy 他立刻離開那塊高地,向下面那片沖積而成的肥沃土壤走去,空氣也變得濃重起來夏天的果實霧氣干草野花散發出懶洋洋的芬芳,匯聚成一個巨大的芳香湖泊,在這個時候,似乎所有的鳥獸蜜蜂蝴蝶,受到香氣的熏陶,都要一個個睡去了。 |
Six or more pale , bandaged , and dirty wounded men were being jolted over the stony roads . some of them were talking he caught the sound of russian words , others were eating bread ; the most severely wounded gazed dumbly at the posting cart trotting by , with the languid interest of sick children 其中一些人正在談話他聽見俄國口音,另外一些人在吃面包,傷勢至為嚴重的都默不作聲,都帶著溫順痛苦而幼稚的心情望著從他們身旁疾馳而去的信使。 |
Two footmen were noiselessly removing the empty cups and the plates with cakes . in front of the hearth the ladies had re - formed and , at the same time , narrowed their circle and were chatting more carelessly than before in the languid atmosphere peculiar to the close of a party 兩個仆人不聲不響地把空茶杯和盛糕點的碟子端走,太太們在壁爐前面又圍成一圈,但圈子縮小了,晚會快結束時,在無精打采的氣氛中,她們談得更隨便了。 |
I compared him with his guests . what was the gallant grace of the lynns , the languid elegance of lord ingram , - even the military distinction of colonel dent , contrasted with his look of native pith and genuine power 他的外表煥發著天生的精力和真正的力量,相比之下,林恩兄弟的風流倒倜儻,英格拉姆勛爵的散淡文雅甚至登特上校的英武出眾,又算得了什么呢,我對他們的外貌與表情不以為然。 |
He panted , trembling , and retaining her hand as if he needed its support , while his large blue eyes wandered timidly over her ; the hollowness round them transforming to haggard wildness the languid expression they once possessed 他喘著,顫抖著,握住她的手,仿佛他需要它的扶持似的,當時他的大藍眼睛怯懦地向她望著兩眼的下陷使那往日所具有的無精打采的樣子變成憔悴的狂野表情了。 |
Oh , i certainly don t complain . “ another place was laid . fauchery found himself next the countess sabine , whose liveliness and gaiety surprised him when he remembered her drooping , languid state in the austere rue miromesnil drawing room 福什利坐在薩比娜伯爵夫人旁邊,使他驚訝的是,她今天特別高興,而她過去在米羅梅斯尼爾街的嚴肅的客廳里時,他看見她是那樣無精打采。 |
Came a beautiful fall day , warm and languid , palpitant with the hush of the changing season , a california indian summer day , with hazy sun and wandering wisps of breeze that did not stir the slumber of the air 暖洋洋世懶洋洋,季節快要變化所帶來的平靜令人提心吊膽。那是個加利福尼亞州的小陽春日子。太陽的光模糊朦朧,細細的風輕輕吹拂,卻吹不醒沉睡的空氣。 |
Sometimes the languid sea rose over him and he dreamed long dreams ; but ever through it all , waking and dreaming , he waited for the wheezing breath and the harsh caress of the tongue 有時候,疲乏的巨浪鋪天蓋地地淹沒了他,他就會做起很長的夢來;然而自始至終,不論是醒著或在夢里,他都在等著那聲粗粗的喘息和那條舌頭的粗糙的砥礪。 |
Sometimes the languid sea rose over him and he dreamed long dreams ; but ever through it all , waking and dreaming , he waited for the wheezing breath and the harsh caress of the tongue 有時候,疲倦的浪潮涌上來,淹沒了他,他會做起很長的夢;然而在整個過程中,不論醒著或是做夢,他都在等著那種喘息和那條粗糙的舌頭來舐他。 |
Sometimes the languid sea rose over him and he dreamed long dreams ; but ever through it all , waking and dreaming , he waited for the wheezing breath and the harsh caress of the tongue 有時疲倦的浪潮一下子席卷了他,他就進入了長長的夢鄉;但自始至終,無論是醒著還是夢著,他都在等著那喘息聲和粗糙的干舌頭。 |
The main effect will be to ditch the continental style of first degree , which typically takes five or six years : expensive ( for the taxpayer ) and wastefully languid ( for the student ) 其主要影響將是取消大陸形式的第一級學位,該學位通常需要五到六年,既耗錢(對納稅者而言) ,又費力(對學生而言) 。 |
There ' s not a lot that happens in “ 2046 . “ the languid , carefully composed shots that wong constructs for his actors are anathema to the frenzied rhythms of contemporary hollywood 并沒有太多故事情節,王家衛在他的演員身上拍出來的那些懶散倦怠、耐心經營的鏡頭被節奏強烈的當代好萊塢視為異類。 |
The caterpillar and alice looked at each other for some time in silence : at last the caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth , and addressed her in a languid , sleepy voice 毛毛蟲和愛麗絲彼此沉默地注視了好一會。最后,毛毛蟲從嘴里拿出了水煙管,用慢吞吞的瞌睡似的聲調同她說起了話。 |
Now and again she glanced down at the body of the house , raising an arm which a white glove covered to the elbow and fanning herself with languid hand . the house dozed , almost deserted 她不時向樓下場子里張望一下,抬起她的一只戴白手套的胳膊,那手套一直套到胳膊肘,另一只手輕輕搖著扇子。 |
Linton s looks and movements were very languid , and his form extremely slight ; but there was a grace in his manner that mitigated these defects , and rendered him not unpleasing 林敦的神氣和動作都很不活潑,他的外形也非常瘦弱但是他的風度帶著一種文雅,緩和了這些缺點,使他還不討人厭。 |
During the day she dragged herself about and dozed off on chairs . indeed , she did not emerge from this languid condition till the evening drew on and the gas was lit outside 白天,她走起路來總是無精打采,經常躺在椅子上打盹,直到黃昏時分,她才擺脫這種委靡不振的狀態。 |
Then he pointed with a languid index finger toward the closed door and concluded : “ at night it ' s worse , because you can hear the dead wandering up and down those streets . 接著,他用無力的食指指著緊閉的房門,肯定的說: “晚上更糟糕,你能聽到死人在街上溜達。 ” |
It might sound like a languid , gloomy time , a boring interlude between the immediate aftermath of the big bang and the bustling cosmos of the present day 這聽起來像是一段了無生氣的陰郁時光,也像是在大霹靂與如今活躍的宇宙間,插入了一段乏味的間奏曲。 |
There was an innate refinement , a languid queenly hauteur about gerty which was unmistakably evidenced in her delicate hands and higharched instep 但是榮譽歸于該享受它的人。格蒂天生優雅,有著楚楚動人女王般的非凡氣宇6 。 |