
landslip 〔英國〕山崩;崩塌;塌方。


Research fellowship the jockey club research and information centre for landslip prevertion and land development department of civil engineering the university of hongkong 香港大學土木工程系香港賽馬會滑坡防治研究及資訊中心招聘博士后研究助理

The emergency system for providing professional assistance in landslip incidents has been upgraded through improvements in communications and transport 此外,在通訊和交通安排方面也作出了改善,以便在山泥傾瀉事件發生時,提供緊急的專業協助。

It is independent of other severe weather warnings such as tropical cyclone warning and landslip warning , which will be issued separately where necessary 暴雨警告系統是一個獨立警告系統,與其他警告(例如熱帶氣旋警告和山泥傾瀉警告)并無關連。

The heavy rain may last for a few days , and subsequent landslips and flooding sometimes cause considerably more damage than the winds 熱帶氣旋帶來的豪雨可能持續數日,引致山泥傾瀉和水浸,造成的災害有時比烈風的破壞還甚。

On average , the landslip warning is issued about three times every year , and on average two or three hundred landslips occur each year 天文臺每年平均約發出三次山泥傾瀉警告,而香港平均每年則發生200至300宗山泥傾瀉。

Like all forecasts , a landslip warning represents an assessment of the weather based on the latest information available at the time 山泥傾瀉警告猶如其他天氣預報一樣,是根據最新資料而判斷出最有可能出現的天氣狀況。

The main kinds of hazards of road in beijing mountain area are landslip , collapse , debris flow , karst and surface subsidence 北京山區公路所遭受的地質災害主要有滑坡、滑(崩)塌、泥石流、巖溶、采空地面塌陷等。

The heavy rain may last a few days , and landslips and flooding sometimes cause considerably more damage than the winds 熱帶氣旋帶來的豪雨可能持續數天,引致山泥傾瀉和水浸,造成的災害有時比烈風的破壞更甚。

Heavy rain occurred on may 8 , necessitating the issuance of the first rainstorm red warning and landslip warning in the year 五月八日香港出現暴雨,天文臺在當日發出了本年首次的紅色暴雨警告和山泥傾瀉警告。

His head might come up some day above ground in a landslip with his hand pointing . all honeycombed the ground must be : oblong cells 142要是有朝一日大地往下陷,他的腦袋興許會鉆出地面,手還指著什么地方。

To carry out landslip hazard mitigation works which include earthworks and maintenance access at natural hillslopes within country park 在郊野公園內的天然山坡進行災害防護工程,包括土木工事和維修通道。

Preparation of environmental management plan for catering facility , electrical mechanical engineering works and landslip preventive maintenance works 食肆機電工程斜坡維修工程的環境管理計劃書

When the landslip warning is in force , you should cancel non - essential appointments , stay at home or in a safe shelter 當山泥傾瀉警告生效時,市民應取消不必要的約會,留在家中或其他安全地方。

Low - lying lands , steep slops , lands where landslip is likely to occur , and other environment - sensitive lands shall be avoided 九、避免低洼地、陡坡、易崩塌地或其他環境敏感地。

Application of micro - piles in control of bank caves due to landslip of loess slope in three gorge reservoir area 微型樁在三峽庫區黃土坡滑坡區塌岸防治工程中的應用

Once the landslip warning is issued , temporary shelters will be provided by the home affairs department 在山泥傾瀉警告發出后,民政事務總署將開放臨時庇護站。

Motorists should avoid driving in hilly areas or on roads with landslip warning signs 駕車人士則應避免駛往山區地帶和有山泥傾瀉警告指示牌的道路。

Take appropriate measures to avoid possible damage or loss of life due to landslips 市民應做好預防措施,以減少因山泥傾瀉引致的財物損失和傷亡。

Construction technique for the landslip treatment of the underpath tunnel on the soft fluid - plastic stratum 軟流塑地層地鐵隧道塌方處理施工技術