
landscape n.1.風景,景致。2.山水畫,風景畫,風景攝影。 3....

landscape architect

The factories were gone; the shops, the houses were thinning out, offering glimpses of a still shamefaced landscape . 工廠消失了,商店和住房也漸漸稀少,只有幾處可憐巴巴的風景。

These pictures would have been both landscapes and figure-pieces, the latter, however, would have been the more numerous . 這些畫面上有風景,也有人物,然而后者更多一些。

With the help of no more than binoculars it is easy to distinguish the two main kinds of lunar landscape . 用不著使用雙筒望遠鏡,就可以容易地分辨出月球上的兩種主要景象。

It had a landscaped garden and a long curved driveway in which a shiny mercedes was parked . 它有一個草坪花園和一條很長的曲線型車道,上面停著一輛亮晶晶的默賽迪斯轎車。

And so the infatuated surgeon went along through the gorgeous autumn landscape of white-hart vale . 就這樣,這位迷了心竅的外科醫生,在白鹿谷燦爛的秋日景色中穿行著。

The conservative party's many constituencies are sprawled across the country's economic and social landscape . 保守政黨為數眾多的選區遍布在全國各個經濟和社會區域。

So absorbed in landscape painting that he seldom looked seriously for effects of nature out of doors . 他平日的心思只放在風景畫上,很少認真觀看戶外大自然的景色。

Urban people are sometimes quite genuinely shocked when they see what farmers do to the rural landscape . 農民破壞了鄉村景色,城市居民有時對此感到十分震驚。

But as a rule he was more affected by the awesome abysses than by the harmonious landscape . 但是一般說來,更觸動他的是可畏的絕壁深壑,而非和諧的景色。

It was delightful to see the green landscape before us and the immense metropolis behind . 展望前邊青翠的景色,回顧后面雄偉的京城,真使人心曠神怡。

Markus designated a local landscape unit as a nature-complex, and classified these . 馬庫斯把微景觀設想為一種自然復合體,并對它們進行了分類。

A venerable buildinggrey, even in the midst of the hoary landscape . 一座尊嚴的建筑便是在一片白茫茫景色之中也很幽暗。

The landscape comprehends high and low mountain ranges, rolling country and plains . 地形有連綿不斷的高低山脈,丘陵和平原。

The landscape will get more cluttered, the air and water even dirtier . 風景之地將會更加狼藉不堪,空氣和水將會變得更臟。

They know the atmosphere of those bleak landscapes so well evoked by auden . 他們熟悉奧登活靈活現描寫過的那種荒涼景象。

In russia the local landscape unit has been designated a biogeocenose . 在蘇聯曾把局部景觀單位視作生物地理群落。

She smiled, looking dreamily out on the shifty landscape . 她臉露微笑,用一種夢幻似的目光看著那變化莫測的景色。

The bald, bare landscape widened about him to infinity . 赤裸裸、光禿禿的景色在他眼下一直伸展到無邊無際的遠方。

America was many countries with dramatically different landscapes . 美國有許多不同的地域,各地的景色千差萬別。