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landing gear 【航空】 起落裝置,起落架。

landing net

Check visually if gear and tyre are intact , do not retract the landing gear until fire is out 請目視檢查起落架及輪胎是否完整無損,火熄滅后才收上起落架。

We seldom use the software to analysis the dynamic behavior for airplane landing gear 利用仿真軟件進行起落架動態性能和緩沖系統的分析還不完善。

If a ship doesn ' t have landing gears , it should have at least one garage or hangar 如果一艘船沒有著陸裝置,那它內部應該至少有一個泊位或機庫。

No hydraulic pressure , emergency lowering of landing gear by manual gear extension procedure 無液壓,按手放起落架程序緊急放下起落架。

If the ship doesn ' t have landing gears , it should have at least one garage or hangar 如果船沒有起落架,那它至少需要一個機庫或泊位。

Main landing gear 主降著裝置

Fracture analysis on the retractable actuator of the main landing gear of a boeing 747sp airplane 飛機主起落架收放作動筒斷裂分析

A simpler single door was substituted for twin doors on the front landing gear bay 一個更小的單開門取代了前起落艙原來的雙開門。

Application of electrorheological fluid to the shock absorber of airplane landing gears 電流變液在飛機起落架減振器中的應用研究

The general rule is that any ship under a length of 250m requires landing gears 一般情況下,長度在250米以下的飛船需要起落架。

The landing gear struts on the synergy n9 feature an internal skid capturing system 起落架的撐桿協同n9號專題捕捉系統內部打滑

The landing gear is sequenced , which is unique for a fighter 起落架的收放是有先后順序的,這對于一架戰斗機來說也是獨一無二的。

Fixed landing gear 固定式降著裝置

Bush for landing gear 起落架用襯套

Trailer landing gears 掛車支承裝置

Auxiliary landing gear 輔助起落裝置

Tricycle landing gear 三輪式著陸裝置

Airline employee : there has been a mechanical malfunction with the landing gear 地勤人員:飛機的起落架有機械方面的故障。

Amphibious landing gear 水陸兩用起落架