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land reform 土地改革。

land scurvy

From the land reform in 1956 to the contracted responsibility system with remuneration linked to output ( crsrlo ) in about 1981 , alum in southern yunnan experienced two major changes 土改后到包產到戶前,滇南的農地利用模式主要發生了兩個大的變化:在旱地十林地型地區,開始出現水田并日益占有重要地位

Both are self - sufficiency agri - culture ) . chapter three discusses the course and distinctive changes in alum as well as economic and cultural meanings after the land reform in southern yunnan 第三章論述土改以后滇南農地利用模式的變遷過程、規律和特點,以及農地利用模式變遷的經濟和社會文化意義。

Having studied the various schemes of land reform , we may find out that land ownership of peasant is the tendency of the development of rural land system in our country 通過比較分析各種土地改革方案,可以看出,農民土地所有制符合現代市場經濟條件下農村土地的配置原則,是我國農村土地制度發展的趨勢。

Five factors are analysed : the effects of the land reform ; the innovative class system ; the social control system ; th basic - level party apparatus ; the legitimizing discourse 這里分析了五個因素:土地改革的影響;創新性的階級體制;社會控制體制;黨的基層結構;合法化的話語。

Land reform carried on in the country , together with state - owned enterprise reform in the city , constitutes the two main themes of the economic reform in china 在農村進行的土地改革和在城市進行的國企改革一起構成了當前中國經濟改革的兩大主題。

The result was that even the small number of land reform beneficiaries ended up selling their land because farming was no longer a viable source of income 其結果是即使少數的土改受益人不堪負荷因此需要賣掉土地,因為不能再倚賴農業作為收入的來源。

Big landowners were desperate to evade land reform , so those who had access to capital took advantage of the cheap loans to convert lands into other uses 大地主們情急拼命地規避土地改革,他們把握資本通路,并利用廉價貸款變更地目轉作其它用途。

Taxation reform in countryside is another important system innovation in countryside after land reform and family - based contracted responsibility system 摘要農村稅費改革是我國繼土地改革、家庭聯產承包責任制之后的又一次農村重大制度創新。

The foregoing account of the struggle between landlords and peasants is not , and does not pretend to be , a scientific treatise on the land reform 以上關于農民與地主之間斗爭的描寫,遠非是對土地改革的科學論述,筆者的目的也不在于此。

Comrades working on the newspapers should go out by turns to take part in mass work , in land reform work for a time ; that is very necessary 報社的同志應當輪流出去參加一個時期的群眾工作,參加一個時期的土地改革工作,這是很必要的。

Furthermore , the land reform act of 1946 cripples her financially , forcing her to raise her illegitimate son under the harshest of circumstances 這家人本是富戶,但一九四六年土地改革,要把土地分給佃農,家境便每況愈下。

But this national war , in itself , was revolutionary and often produced more ferment more quickly than the land reform might have done 這種民族戰爭本身也是革命戰爭,它在人民中所起的動員作用,往往比土改的作用更大更快。

In the village of yachiachuang , six landowners and three “ dog legs “ organized a secret society to oppose the land reforms 有一個叫楊家莊的村子,那里的六個地主和三個狗腿子勾結在一起搞了一個對抗土地改革的秘密組織。

“ the sun shines on the sanggan river “ and “ the storm “ both reflects the land reform movement in the bustling liberated area 摘要《太陽照在桑干河上》和《暴風驟雨》都反映的是解放區熱火朝天土地改革運動。

The twists of collective forest land reform is closely linked with emphasizing excessively its concrete operation type 摘要集體林地使用制度改革的反復與曲折,與過分強調集體林地的具體經營方式緊密相關。

In a district of shansi a magistrate wanted to arouse , the people to carry on land reform , but did not know just how to go about it 在山西的一個專區,有個縣長想要發動人民搞土改,又不知道如何著手。

After 1947 , the land reform was conducted at a much slower and more moderate pace than i have described in this book 原注六:一九四七年后,土改地進行速度和強度比這本書里所描述的要減緩很多。

Alum from the land reform to crsrlo reflected self - sufficiency agri - culture and after crsrlo it has reflected export - oriented agri - culture 包產到戶以后的農地利用屬于外向型的農耕文化類型。

The interaction between the higher and lower levels urged millions of intellectuals to devote themselves to land reform campaign 上下互動,推動著數以十萬計的知識分子積極投身土地改革運動。