laity n.〔集合詞〕1.(與教士、僧侶等相對的)俗人。2.(與...
n. 〔集合詞〕 1.(與教士、僧侶等相對的)俗人。 2.(與專家相對的)外行。 “council for the laity“ 中文翻譯: 宗座俗人理事會“the sangha and the laity“ 中文翻譯: 僧俗“clergy and laity concerned“ 中文翻譯: 憂世教士和俗人協會“ka djibo laity“ 中文翻譯: 杰博“laiu“ 中文翻譯: 拉尤“laituan“ 中文翻譯: 瀨湍“laiu lan atm interworking unit lan atm“ 中文翻譯: 互通單元“laittre“ 中文翻譯: 萊特爾“laius“ 中文翻譯: n. 【希臘神話】(被兒子伊狄帕斯殺死的底比斯國王)拉伊俄斯。 “laitto“ 中文翻譯: 萊托“laiuste“ 中文翻譯: 萊烏斯特“laitsaari“ 中文翻譯: 萊察里“laiv“ 中文翻譯: 鼻噴霧型減毒佐劑流感病毒活疫苗“laitova“ 中文翻譯: 萊托娃
laius |
Iii to create new media communications or make good use of existing ones , such as those operated by caritas , the diocesan office for laity formation and the diocesan audio - visual centre such as resources centre , telephone hotlines , websites , emails , chat rooms , the production of vcds , a special column in kung kao po , etc Iii設立或善用現有如香港明愛教區教友培育辦事處和教區視聽中心所設的傳媒及資訊工具,例如:資源中心電話熱線網頁電郵信箱聊天室光碟制作公教報專欄等 |
“ my dear miss elizabeth , i have the highest opinion in the world of your excellent judgment in all matters within the scope of your understanding , but permit me to say that there must be a wide difference between the established forms of ceremony amongst the laity , and those which regulate the clergy ; for give me leave to observe that i consider the clerical office as equal in point of dignity with the highest rank in the kingdom - provided that a proper humility of behaviour is at the same time maintained “親愛的伊麗莎白小姐,你對于一切的問題都有卓越的見解。我非常敬佩,可是請你聽我說一句:俗人的禮節跟教士們的禮節大不相同。請聽我說,我認為從尊嚴方面看來,一個教士的位置可以比得上一個君侯,只要你能同時保持相當的謙虛。 |
The diocese should strengthen the communication , exchange , cooperation and partnership between diocesan commission , institutions and communities working for the formation of the laity . it should especially support the work of faith formation of the parishes , and lay down guidelines for cooperation among groups , e . g . the seven units of the diocese and communities that constitute the parish social concern support group which is already set up , in order to support the work of formation of the parishes in the area of social concern 教區應設法加強各教區委員會培育機構及團體間在教友培育工作上的溝通交流和合作的伴關系,特別是支援堂區的信仰培育工作,制定團體間具體可行的合作指引,例如已成立的堂區關社支援小組中的七個有關的教區機構及團體,合力支援堂區的關社培育工作。 |
Jointly organized the theology training ministry for laity with churches the hong kong council of the church of christ in china and the methodist church to provide pastoral workers with suitable and professional training in theology . to commemorate his father mr . chuen - king wong , mr . bing - lai wong , a reputable christian businessman of hong kong , has donated a lectureship funding to establish the chuen king memorial lectures 教牧事工部亦與個別宗派(現時有中華基督教會香港區會及循道衛理聯合教會)合作提供信徒(牧職)神學課程,以為配合教會之牧養需要,提供適切及認可之專業神學訓練。 |
Divinity school of chung chi college is at present the only theological education institution within a chinese public university . apart from training pastoral workers , it also aims at raising the level of theologizing of the laity . intellectual development , spiritual formation , community life , individual critical thinking and self - discipline are the quadrilateral of the school 本院乃現時各地華人公立大學中唯一的神學教育機構,故除了訓練教牧人才外,亦為提高一般信徒的神學質素而努力;崇基學院神學院既著重學術訓練,亦重視屬靈氣質之培養;既著重群體生活,亦強調個人獨立思考及自律之重要。 |
Other functions including daily bible emails , electronic faith cards , to listen or watch formation talks or testimony given by the laity , interviews with special guests , recent events both of the universal and local church , advertising of formation activities , ordering of religious and spiritual books etc . , all the above may enhance the interest and demand for faith formation 其他功能包括每日圣經電郵信仰電子賀卡網上收聽收看培育講座或教友證道人物專訪國際及本地教會最新動態培育活動介紹網上訂購信仰及靈修書籍等,有助形成信仰培育的大氣候。 |
Effective formation is actual practice in life and consequential actions , thus , we suggest that the laity should participate more in activities of environmental protection , and adopt or support environment concern actions . as an important aspect of formation , parishes should relocate the topic of environmental protection from its marginal and ignorable position to a high priority in their activities and planning agenda 有效的培育是在生活和行動中實踐,所以我們建議教友多參與環保活動和采取或支持關心環境的行動,作為培育的重要環節,堂區把環保從現時的次要邊緣和被忽略的位置,放回在活動和計劃的高度優次中考慮。 |
At different levels , the laity should be helped to acquire a habit of reading religious publications especially the church document , e . g . during the period of catechesis , catechumens would be required to produce reports either oral or written of religious books of their own choice and to share them with other catechumens . institutions and groups of formation and publications should periodically recommend good religious books to the faithful 從不同層面培育教友閱讀宗教書籍,尤其是教會文獻,例如在慕道期,要求慕道者挑選宗教書籍作讀書報告口頭或書寫,然后和其他慕道者分享有關培育及出版團體定期為教友推薦信仰好書每年由教友推選十本好書在堂區成立讀書小組,并邀請出版機構舉辦書展或新書推介活動等。 |
Besides the catechetical correspondence course offered by the central council of catholic laity including text model and web model , it is hoped that other institutions diocesan audio - visual center and diocesan laity formation office etc . can make use of information technology , to produce multi - media catechism revision courses , by means of self - learning cds and websites etc . , emphasizing interaction and interest . such courses can even provide teachers who will hold periodic meetings as follow up for the learning process 除教友總會的再慕道課程文字及網上版外,有關機構教區視聽中心及教區教友培育辦事處等可利用資訊科技制作多媒體再慕道課程,透過自學光碟及相關互聯網,強調互動和趣味,甚至有導師定時跟進學習過程,詢問有關進度等,課程內容以生活和信仰整合為中心。 |
Besides promoting the sharing among officers of parish pastoral councils in their plenary sessions , the central council of catholic laity should increase sharing and communication between parishes , and deepen the spirit of communion and cooperation within the church through mutual learning and support 教友總會除了讓堂區牧民議會干事在評議會上作交流外,更應增加堂區間的交流和溝通,透過互相學習和支援,加深在教會內的共融和合作。 |
Diocesan institutes or groups working in the field of formation can utilize information technology to render the content of the catechism more vividly and interactively , and to provide ways of self formation for the laity by producing self study cds or placing such materials on web - sites 教區內有關的培育機構或團體可利用資訊科技,將天主教教理內容以活潑及互動的方式,制成自學光碟或放在互聯網上,提供教友自我培育的途徑。 |
The pastoral council of each parish should establish one formation team responsible for the planning and coordination of formation activities or courses in the parish , or for inviting relevant diocesan units or different organizations to offer courses for laity formation 每個堂區的堂區牧民議會之下應設立一個培育小組,負責策劃及協調堂區內的培育活動或課程,或邀請教區機構和不同團體,為堂區教友提供培育。 |
Besides supporting the laity in further training , the foundation can support various organizations or parishes in their effort of running innovative and effective activities of a formative nature , e . g . inviting overseas specialists or groups to conduct activities of formation 培育基金也可考慮除支持教友進修外,也應支持不同團體或堂區舉辦創新及有培育效果的活動,例如邀請海外人士或團體來港主持培育活動。 |
The council of laity could consider establishing parish chat stations on its website , inviting all officers in each parish to share , through words and pictures , the present situation of their parishes and their experiences of running programs 亦可考慮在其網頁內設立堂區交流站,邀請每個堂區的干事將堂區的近況,舉辦活動的心得,以文字及圖片方式放在網頁上,讓其他堂區干事參考。 |
Parishes should encourage more laity to pursuit self - formation and life long formation , e . g . by sponsoring some faithful for further training , and offering opportunities to these parishioners to develop what they have learned after completion of their training 堂區鼓勵更多教友自我培育和終身培育,例如以堂區名義資助教友進修,并在畢業后提供機會,讓教友可以發揮所學。 |
At the same time , it is necessary to re - adopt pastoral team system in parishes composed of priests , pastoral sisters and pastoral assistants , so that the clergy and the laity become co - responsible for the pastoral work of the parish 同時,應重新推行堂區的牧職團神職人員牧職修女及牧民助理,讓神職人員和教友共負責任,一起承擔堂區的牧民工作。 |
This means another fund raising activity , in order to increase the amount of fund for the foundation , so that it could assist more laity for self - formation and life - long formation and at the same time to extend its area of coverage 再次舉行籌款,令培育基金的數目得以增多,支持更多的教友自我培育及終身培育,并擴大教友培育基金的覆蓋層面和范圍。 |
Jointly organized the theology training ministry for laity with churches the hong kong council of the church of christ in china and the methodist church to provide pastoral workers with suitable and professional training in theology 本課程旨在與教會合辦,配合教會之牧養需要,提供適切及認可之專業神學訓練予教會的宣教干事、長執等教會領袖。 |
There should be at least one pastoral worker clergy , nun , or laity for each deanery ; she he should be a full - time partner for young workers , thus establishing an official mechanism to support their cell groups 每個鐸區設一位牧民工作者神父修士修女或平信徒,協調為在職青少年的各種服務成為他們團體的支援機制。 |