
lad n.1.少年,小伙子。2.〔俚語〕情人。3.〔口語〕伙伴...


You don ' t make friends with the foremast jacks , lad 你不該和水手交朋友,小伙子

At the period just preceding the advent of bartleby, i had two persons as copyists in my employment, and a promising lad as an office-boy . 就在巴特比光臨之前的一段時間里,我已經雇用了兩個人任抄寫員,一個有出息的孩子當聽差。

He was a decent scholar and mathematician, and taught pen as much as the lad was ever disposed to learn, which was not much . 他是一個正派的學者和數學家,只要潘愿意學,他就盡量教他,可惜孩子不太想學。

I was young and spirited and like most lads that have been country-bred, i had a great opinion of my shrewdness . 我還年輕,精神飽滿,好象大多數農村里出身的孩子那樣,相信自己還有一套機靈的辦法。

Kit was a shockheaded shambling awkward lad with an uncommonly wide mouth, very red cheeks, a turned-up nose . 吉特是一個蓬頭亂發的后生,走路踉蹌,舉止蠢笨,嘴巴闊得出奇,兩頰深紅,鼻孔朝天。

I was a strong lad and very angry, and he but a little man, and he went down before me heavily . 我那時年輕力壯、再加上怒火燃燒,而他不過是個瘦小的漢子罷了,他卟通一聲,跌倒在我面前的地上了。

The lad hesitated, and looked over at lord henry, who was watching them from the tea-table with an amused smile . 孩子躊躇起來,朝享利勛爵望著,后者正在得意地微笑,從茶桌那里留神觀察著他們。

He was, indeed, a lad of remarkable disposition: sober, discreet, and pious beyond his age . 他真是個氣質非凡的孩子,既穩重,又懂得分寸,而且虔誠得簡直不是他那點年紀的人所能做到的。

Dick bethought him, with something like a pang, of the lad whom he had so imperfectly directed . 這時候,狄克突然想起了那個小伙子他馬馬虎虎地向他指路的小伙子,感到一陣難受。

While the old man was busy, cutting and trimming the great blocks of stone, the lad would play among the chips . 老人在忙著雕刻、修整大塊石頭時,這個小家伙就在石片當中玩耍。

There won't be much longer, i fear, if the lads at transport house go on running cur lives for us . 如果工會的伙計們繼續給我們搗蛋,這種局面恐怕也是兔子尾巴,長不了啦。

The lad does not care for the child's rattle, and the old man does not care for the young man's whore . 大孩子不喜歡小孩子的撥浪鼓,老年人對年輕人的邪念不感興趣。

“why, bless me,“ cried the old gentleman, “the lad is here! my dear, do you see? “ “怎么,哎呀,”老紳士喊道,那個后生果然到這里來了!親愛的,你看見了嗎?”

The lad fled, on the instant scrambled up the high board fence and disappeared over it . 那孩子馬上就一溜煙逃跑了,他爬上那高高的木板圍墻,一翻過去就不見了。

For one lurid moment she saw dot magston in the arms of a lad she didn't know . 在可怕的一剎那中,她分明看見黛特馬斯頓被一個她不認識的小伙子摟在懷里。

A pretty lad like you should get to cramond which is near to edinburgh in two days' walk . 克蘭蒙德離愛丁堡不遠,象你這樣伶俐的孩子,走兩天就可以到了。

Yet as a lad people had said of him that he was one who might do anything if he tried . 但是在他還是個小伙子的時候,人家都說,他想作什么,就能成什么。

The lad is strong-willed ; once he starts doing something , he won't leave off until he 's finished it . 這小伙子有股牛勁,干一件事就非干到底不可。

You see. all those have to be shifted by noon. sharp's the word and quick's the action, lads ! 要知道,那些都得在晌午前搬走。小伙子們,趕快干啊!