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labour market 勞動市場。

labour movement

These criteria acknowledge that those under 28 may be highly skilled but will have had limited time in the labour market 這些標準承認不到28歲有高技術的人,不會在勞動力市場有時間限制。

Like other european countries , germany hasloosened the periphery of its labour market but not the core 同歐洲其他國家一樣,德國已經放松了勞動力周邊市場的監管,但其核心管理依然嚴格。

It was also agreed that the cssa system should provide more incentives for recipients to re - enter the labour market 委員也同意綜援制度應提供更多誘因,推動受助人重投勞工市場;

More important , there is little evidence that these pressures are feeding through to the labour market 更重要的是,鮮有證據表明這些壓力正在充斥到勞動力市場上去。

Early - retirement programmes were introduced in an effort to clear space in the labour market for younger workers 提前退休計劃是為了給更年青的工人騰出勞動力市場。

He sensed that there were some differences in the labour market this time when he tried to find a job again 不過,這次重新在勞動市場尋找工作,情況卻有點不對勁。

Public employment services / active labour market programs are most successful in a growing economy 公共就業服務/積極勞動力市場項目對于增長中的經濟最為成功。

As for europe , the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets 另一方面,舊大陸上的歐洲國家們被缺乏彈性的產品和勞工市場拖得步履闌珊。

As for europe , the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets 至于歐洲,這片古老的大陸正被它不太靈活的產品和勞動力市場弄得步履蹣跚。

Labour market conditions have remained tight and businesses are reporting high levels of capacity usage 勞動力市場的情況持續緊張,而商業也報得高水平運營。

Hence , our education system will play a central role in reducing the mismatch in the labour market 因此,我們的教育制度將負起減少勞工市場錯配的重要角色。

That means less friction in labour markets and a regulatory system that helps investment 這意味著勞動力市場條塊分割不再嚴重,規范投資的法規體系比較健全。

Earlier this year the mckinsey global institute , a think - tank , studied sweden ' s labour market 今年早些時候,智庫麥肯錫全球研究所調查了瑞典的勞動力市場。

Since then , earnings and wages were contained by continued slackening in the labour market 其后,由于勞工市場持續放緩,工資及收入因而受到下調壓力。

As for europe , the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets 就歐洲而言,這塊年邁的大陸受困于缺乏活力的生產力和勞動力市場。

Competition is so fierce in the labour market that there is always someone pushing up behind you 勞動力市場的競爭非常激烈,總有人在后面與你競爭。

It also confirms the tight labour market , potentially a source of wage inflation 調查還證實,勞動力市場存在供不應求的局面,這可能會引發薪資上漲。

This has done more for europe ' s labour markets , he avers , than have “ conventional ” reforms 這比“常規的”改革對歐洲勞動力市場有更多的作用。

Problems in employment and its solutions in the labour market of china under the market economy 勞動力市場化條件下我國就業格局存在的問題與對策