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labour cost 人工成本。

labour court

During japan ' s decade of economic malaise , companies responded to flat demand or worse by cutting labour costs and hiring part - time employees , meaning that fewer full - time employees were responsible for the same amount of work 在日本長達10年的經濟衰退中,企業通過削減人工成本及雇用兼職員工的方式,來應對需求持平或走軟的狀況,這意味著同樣的工作量,要由數量下降了的全職雇員來承擔。

Speaking at the conference , lord sainsbury said : innovation is key to our economic success , as we increasingly compete against countries with significantly lower labour costs and well - educated labour forces 在進行會議發言時賽恩斯伯里勛爵說: “當我們越來越多的與那些勞動力成本很低而且勞動力受過良好教育的國家進行競爭的時候,科技創新就成為了我們在經濟上取得成功的關鍵所在。 ”

Cost estimator is that will have the ability to prepare estimates of material costs and labour costs for the manufacture of hydro - turbines and generator with highly engineering technical background , working independently and cooperating with all other departments in the company 項目成本預算是為具有高技術含量的發電機準備材料和人力資本預算而獨立地或協同公司其他部門工作。

Those on the front line were particularly aware of the problem : while 58 % of executives based outside china saw rising labour costs as either a major or moderate problem over the next year , the figure rose to 72 % for respondents based in china 一線的主管們尤其重視這個問題, 58 %的海外主管將勞動力成本上漲視作下一年的主要問題,而在中國國內的受訪者中,這一數字上升到了72 & 。

Reducing labour costs was only significant to one in five employers . search and selection firm torres and partners has seen its overseas work grow four fold over the past five years , largely as a result of client demand 從事專業人才推薦的咨詢服務公司torres and partners已經看到該公司涉及到的海外工作內容在過去5年里增長了四成,主要是因客戶需求的增加帶來的結果。

It is anticipated that the global trading environment will remain highly competitive , with raw material and fuel costs likely to maintain at high levels , the upswing in labour costs expected to persist and overall operating costs continuing to rise 環球貿易競爭仍然激烈,另預期原材料及燃料價格維持高水平,勞工成本升幅亦勢將持續,整體經營成本預料將繼續上升。

Current bout of deflation should be taken as a process of correction after the bursting of the bubble economy , which has overblown levels of labour costs , rentals , property prices , and hence , the general level of prices 現時的通縮現象只是調整過程的一部份。誠然,過去泡?經濟實在令工資、租金和資產價格過度急升,結果泡?式的財富效應令整體價格水平高企。

Since the single currency was born in 1999 , italian labour costs have risen by about 20 % relative to germany , because german firms have been much more effective at controlling wages and boosting productivity 由于德國企業在控制工資及推動生產能力方面已非常有效,自從1999年誕生了單一貨幣,意大利勞動力成本相對于德國陡增了大約20 % 。

To be fair , even if it had moved more it would have done little to subdue the trade surplus , given the high level of imported parts in chinese - made goods and low land and labour costs 平心而論,鑒于中國制造的貨物進口部件比例較高,加之土地和勞動力成本低廉,即使人民幣的升值幅度更大,對抑制中美貿易順差也不會有多大助益。

The company will increase its exports by expanding its production capacity to take the advantage of china s lower labour costs , according to pang . “ we have strong plan for export , “ said pang 通過為期半年時間的開發設計和推廣銷售,該產品現已銷售到江蘇安徽山東內蒙古陜西四川重慶貴州湖南湖北和福建11個省市。

These downgrades were incorporated this week into lower estimates for productivity growth and higher readings for unit labour costs , which rose by an alarming 4 . 5 % in the year to the second quarter 這些下降將在本周合并并導致生產率增長的下降和單位勞動成本的上升,該成本到今年上半年為止已經令人警惕的增長了4 . 5 % 。

To be fair , even if it had moved more it would have done little to subdue the trade surplus , given the high level of imported parts in chinese - made goods and low land and labour costs 客觀地說,即使人民幣升值得更高些對貿易逆差的改善的作用也是微乎其微的,考慮到中國商品的數量之多及其廉價的土地,勞動力。

The introduction of the lean manufacturing system will continue to help reduce labour cost , as reflected in the drop of the total wage expenditure , despite a rise in individual salary 預計引入精簡生產系統,將有助繼續降低勞工成本。雖然員工個人的收入有所調升,但整體薪金開支卻能減少,足見以上措施成效。

Management pay has come under scrutiny in germany because many of the country ' s largest companies , including siemens , have been pushing through sweeping measures to cut labour costs 管理層薪酬在德國已引起關注,因為包括西門子在內,德國許多最大型企業正在全力推行大范圍削減勞動力成本的措施。

Lenovo said the cuts would save the company $ 250m a year in labour costs . they come as the chinese computer group prepares to spend $ 100m to restructure its us operations 聯想表示,裁員將為公司每年節省人力成本2 . 5億美元。與此同時,這家中國電腦集團還準備斥資1億美元,重組美國業務。

The strength of the euro is eating into profits on german car exports to america and bloated labour costs at volkswagen ' s factories are squeezing margins on european sales 來自歐洲的勢力在蠶食德國汽車出口至美國的利潤,另外大眾汽車被鼓吹的勞動力成本也使其歐洲銷售的利潤大為縮水。

Economists say de - industrialisation , driven largely by labour costs that are 20 per cent above the european union average , has been under way for some time 經濟學家表示,德國的勞動力成本比歐盟國家平均水平高20 % ,在很大程度上驅動了德國的去工業化過程,而這個過程已持續了一段時間。

Despite reports of upward pressure on labour costs , no convincing evidence suggests that china is about to lose its comparative advantage in labour - intensive industries 盡管有關提高勞動力成本的壓力日漸高漲,沒有明顯跡象表明中國將會失去其在勞動力密集型產業上的比較優勢。

It looked , on the basis of figures published earlier this year , as if the trend in productivity was deteriorating while american unit labour costs were rising sharply 根據美國今年早些時候出版的數據,生產率呈現惡化的趨勢,而勞動力的單位成本卻在急劇上升。