
labelled adj.加有標記的;示蹤的。

labelled atom

2 she labeled the folder as “ sales reports “ 她在這個文件夾貼上業務報告的標簽。

The death of ben roselli attracted international press coverage and some news writers, reaching for the nearest cliché, labelled it “an era's end“ . 本羅塞利逝世的噩耗轟動國際報界,有些記者信手拈來陳腐的套語,稱班老頭之死標志著“一個時代就此告終”。

Tony, the office boy, comes in with some papers and places them in a wire basket labeled “in“ which stands on arlene's desk . 辦公室工友佟尼拿進來些文件,放在艾琳桌子上寫著“入”字的金屬絲編織的籃子里。

The shabby, threadbare dress, in its best days, couldn't have been labeled a “gown.“there was no train, no veil . 那身破舊襤褸的衣服,在新的時候也不能算是“禮服”。即沒有拖裙,也沒有面紗。

The minister had masterminded a ring that smuggled caviar in cans labeled “herring“ to western europe . 這個部長策劃組織了一個集團,把魚籽醬罐頭貼上鯡魚標簽向西歐走私。

For convenience, i shall label these methods “piecemeal technology“ . 為了方便起見,我稱這些方法為“漸進技術”。