
kowtow 短語和例子ko(w)town.〔漢語〕 叩頭,磕頭。vi...


You may pay respects to the emperor and the prince luckily , you no longer need to kneel down and perform kowtow to the royal family , discuss politics with the premier and other chinese officials , or simply go shopping in the celestial market . besides a bilingual chinese star map , this book will also introduce the chinese constellations and exploring the meanings behind their names 現已出版的中國星圖,除了包括中英對照的中國全天星圖外,更會探討各中國星座名稱的背后意義,書中亦列有唐朝王希明和清朝欽天監博士何君藩所作的步天歌,只要熟讀歌訣,漫游中國星空,無往而不利。

As a stargazer , you may be familiar with western constellations like ursa major , cassiopeia , orion and taurus . are you interested in visiting the ancient china in the sky and strolling along the celestial palace , government office and market ? you may pay respects to the emperor and the prince ( luckily , you no longer need to kneel down and perform kowtow to the royal family ) , discuss politics with the premier and other chinese officials , or simply go shopping in the celestial market 愛好觀星的你,在細數大熊、仙后、獵戶、金牛之際,可有興趣重回古代的中國,漫步天階,在星空中皇宮、明堂、市井之間游歷,和皇帝、太子促膝談心,和三公、九卿共相國事,或在無可無不可之間,閑逛天市,遙想古代的繁華市集?

His shocked companions wanted to kowtow for the great honour . instead of allowing them to reveal his identity , the emperor told them to tap two fingers on the table . one finger represented their bowed head and the other represented their prostrate arms ,有一天皇帝與他的臣子到了一家茶館,為了要掩飾他的尊貴身分,便站起來為大家斟茶,為了不嚇壞臣子,皇帝事先想出讓臣子用手指輕敲桌面,以代表磕頭施禮其中一根手指代表他們低頭,另一手指則代表拱起的臂膀。

Although today ' s religious leaders may scoff at anyone who does not kowtow to the men at the top of their hierarchy , humble composters can ignore the pressures of religious conformity , and instead hold a grain of pure spiritual truth in the palm of their hand 雖然當今的宗教領袖們可能會蔑視那些不向他們上級言聽計從的,但是卑微的支持堆肥的人們仍可以無視那些宗教教義施加的壓力,反而,他們手中緊攥純潔的真諦。

Although today ' s religious leaders may scoff at anyone who does not kowtow to the men at the top of their hierarchy , humble composters can ignore the pressures of religious conformity , and instead hold a grain of pure spiritual truth in the palm of their hand 盡管當今的宗教領袖們可能會嘲笑那些不向他們所信仰的最高神靈磕頭的人,但是謙遜的漚肥分解者們可以漠視遵循宗教法規的壓力,而心中緊攥純潔的真諦。

Every october 10 on the chinese lunar calendar , a grand ceremony was due here in the palace to mark the dowager s birthday . sitting atop a treasure a treasure chair with nine - dragon motif normally only used by emperor , cixi received kowtows of emperor guangxu and the retinues 當年,每當陰歷十月初十,慈禧過生日這一天,這里鼓樂鳴鹵薄儀仗威嚴,慈禧坐在排云殿內的正中九寶座上,四旁香煙燎繞。

Otherwise , why should we live our lives differently if we so fear ? we might just as well bow our heads , kowtow to everyone and live the way they do . this way we ll have peace , forever , perhaps 但事實并不一定是如此,如果我們的與眾不同的地方是優秀而美好的話,那人家可能會跟隨否則,要是我們那么擔心害怕的話,又何必選擇過一個與眾不同的生活?

The british government is proposing to ask parliament to ban the procedure , and a cynical interpretation of this non - decision might be that a supposedly independent authority is kowtowing to government whim 英國政府正在計劃要求國會禁止該項程序,對這個并非決定的決定的玩世不恭的解釋,可能是一個假定的獨立權威正在對著政府的一時興起而磕頭。

Sacramento gives us our appropriations and therefore we kowtow to sacramento , and to the board of regents , and to the party press , or to the press of both parties . “這是誠實的納稅人應付政客的辦法,你知道,薩克拉門托給我們撥款,我們只好向薩克拉門托磕頭。我們還得向大學董事會磕頭,向黨報磕頭,向兩個黨的黨報都磕頭。 ”

The newspaper also criticized germany and the netherlands for having “ preemptively kowtowed to beijing “ by ruling out the possibility of building diesel - powered submarines for the roc navy 那一份報紙也指責德國和荷蘭“對北京預先采取的行動卑躬屈膝” ,因為德國和荷蘭已經使得為roc海軍建造柴油動力的潛水艇成為不可能的事。

To extradite mr lugovoi or try him at home would be kowtowing to the west ( and betraying a kgb ex - colleague ) ; by doing nothing , he may seem to be protecting a murder suspect 引渡盧格沃或是在國內審判他將是向西方磕頭(并且背叛前kgb同事) ;而什么都不做,他則似乎成了要保護一名謀殺嫌疑犯。

The uproar caused “ all students to teachers kowtow knees , “ yang photos from september 4 to 1 , entitled “ crazy english li yang set up bases in baotou , “ the blog article 引起軒然大波的“全體學生跪下給老師們磕頭”照片出自李陽9月4的一篇題為“李陽瘋狂英語包頭基地成立”的博客文章。

Recently , the founder of crazy english li yang , in his blog , the one with “ all students kneel to the teachers kowtow “ photographs , caused many users to reply , mixed 近日,瘋狂英語創始人李陽在其博客里貼了一張“全體學生跪下給老師們磕頭”的圖片,引起了眾多網友的回帖,褒貶不一。

Ten months before the 2008 games begin in beijing , a new and grueling olympic sport is in full swing among foreign nationals living in china : advanced kowtowing 距離2008年北京奧運會開幕還有10個月時間,不過生活在中國的不少外國人正在起勁地參加在華外國人奧運火炬手的選拔活動。

Auntie deborah , it is because of your thoughtfulness and kindness which brought our attention to mom ' s health condition . i kowtow at your feet . thank you thank you thank you ! ! 狄波拉阿姨,你的慎重和好意才引起我們對媽媽病情的關注。我愿給你磕頭,謝謝謝謝謝謝!

When the boat reached bangka , he was the first person to jump ashore . there , he knelt and made 108 kowtows to the sea , swearing that he would never set foot on a boat again 船到了邦加靠了岸,他第一個跳上岸,跪下來,面對大海磕了108個響頭,發誓以后不再上船。

Have you seen the people when they make a long kowtow ? their faces and hands are all dirty , but their hearts are clean 可可西里:見過磕長頭的人嗎?他們的臉和手都很臟,可是心靈卻很干凈。

The whole fami ly then kowtowed toward the south to show their gratitude to heaven for having saved them 然后,全家對南方的天空叩頭,感謝老天爺保佑全家人平安。

He has hare - brained ideas and to my disgust all my colleagues are kowtowing to him 他的想法輕率浮躁,而且令我厭惡的是,我所有的同事都拍他馬屁。