
koran n.(伊斯蘭教)《古蘭經》,《可蘭經》。adj.-ic


Directly we finished our koran reading in the rrrx morning i would throw down my wooden slate ald dart off , quick as a genie , to my mother , hurriedly swallow down my breakfast , and run off for a plunge in the river 一等我們結束晨誦,我立刻扔下手中的木板,飛快地奔向我的母親像一個精靈那樣快,然后匆匆忙忙吞下早飯,又飛快地跑了出去跳入河中。

The child learns arabic in order to read the koran in the original language , perform the five daily prayers , repeat key phrases before all significant5 acts and events , and make it the guide for daily living 孩子為了閱讀原文《可蘭經》而學習阿拉伯文,每天祈禱五次,在所有盛大活動之前背誦經文要義,并把《可蘭經》奉為日常生活指南。

But that sentence will be doubled if his koranic recitation classes fail to make him a “ hafez “ , someone who knows the koran by heart . there are more than 77 , 000 words in the koran 但如果他的古蘭經背誦課程最后以失敗而告終的話,那么其刑期將會延長一倍。整本古蘭經所包含的詞匯量超過了77000個。

An iranian artist shows his art work , a grain of rice with a sentence from the koran written on it , at the annual international koran exhibition in tehran october 24 , 2004 10月24日,在伊朗首都德黑蘭舉行的年度國際古蘭經展覽會上,一位伊朗藝術家展示了他的作品? ?刻有一句古蘭經經文的一顆米粒。

One motive for any attacks , the message said , was the alleged desecration of the koran at the american military prison at guant namo bay , cuba , where more than 500 detainees are being held 消息稱,襲擊的動機之一是所謂有500人被拘押的古巴關塔那摩軍事監獄里發生的褻瀆《古蘭經》事件。

She remembered bin laden ' s sadness when telling how the three brothers had different mothers and that his mother was not a “ wife of the koran “ but a “ concubine “ 她還記得拉登說起兄弟三人出自不同母親時的悲傷表情,還說到他的母親不是一個“合乎《古蘭經》教義的妻子” ,而是一個“妾” 。

“ many of those who come in for treatment suffer from depression , anxiety disorders and other impulse control disorders like pathological gambling and binge eating , ” dr . koran said 柯蘭博士說:很多來看病的人都為憂郁癥、焦慮失控和其他沖動控制障礙所苦,像病態的嗜賭及暴食癥。

The prisoners do not need library privileges to read the islamic holy book , the koran , which is a “ basic issue item “ that each prisoner keeps in his cell , she said 洛里還說,這里的囚犯們無須經過圖書館特許就可以閱讀伊斯蘭圣經《可蘭經》 - -這本經書是每個囚犯身邊必備的“基本物品” 。

And connects you to the all - pervading power of divine love , which is described in the bible also as the “ cool breeze of the holy ghost “ also in the koran as ,在印度的經典中被稱為“ paramchaitanya “ ,即無所不在的生命能量。帕坦迦利patanjali稱之為改變季節的力量。

Dr . lorrin koran , the study ' s lead author and emeritus professor of psychiatry at stanford , said compulsive buyers commonly suffer from other psychiatric disorders 主持這項研究的史丹福大學精神病學榮譽退休教授柯蘭博士說,購物癖者通常會被其他精神失控癥所苦。

Here are the notorious three : charlie chan , detective , hired by wu s insurance company to guard a precious koran on exhibition ; cho fei - fan , thief , hi . . 他一方面公開展覽聞名世界的發繡可蘭經,又向吳氏投下天文數字的保險,又找到神偷卓非凡,叫卓偷經,逼吳. .

The leaders represented the ten members of asean , the association of south asia nations . they also represented australian , china , india , japan , new zealand and south koran 領導者代表東盟的十個成員.他們也代表澳大利亞,中國,印度,日本,新西蘭和南韓

Abu al barakat , a visiting north african arab , took the place of a sacrificial victim , and drove the demon away by reading from the koran 一名游歷的北非阿拉伯人? ?阿布?阿爾?巴拉卡特,頂替了一名獻祭者,并通過誦讀《古蘭經》的方式趕走了惡魔。

The koran is not only the most widely read book in the islamic world but also the most widely recited ( “ koran ” means “ recitation ” ) 則不僅是伊斯蘭世界最廣泛閱讀的典籍,也是最廣為吟誦的作品( “古蘭”的意思就是“誦讀” ) 。

Yes , if you believe in the bible . what about the people who prefer to believe in the koran or the “ bhagavad gita , “ etc . ? m 主持人:如果相信圣經的話,是這樣子的,但如果對那些相信可蘭經博伽梵歌或其它經典的人呢?

The second is that the bible and the koran will continue to exercise a dramatic influence over human events , for both good and ill 其二,無論福禍好壞, 《圣經》與《 * * * 》將繼續對人類活動產生重大影響。

Yesterday ' s address was about the importance of statistics in science , and the day before was a lesson from the koran 昨天的演講是關于統計學在科學上的重要性,前天的是可蘭經中的一課書。

Chan and ma form an unholy alliance . cho gets the koran but refuses to give it to bad man soong 運經途中,陳遭人伏擊,馬拔刀相助,卓則用計,在吳家破壞陳的名譽。

I ve read the bible , i ve also read the koran , as well as the scriptures of buddhism 我讀過《圣經》 、 《古蘭經》和《佛經》 。我經常和國內的宗教領袖會晤。