
kola n.=cola.

kola nut

Organic whole milk , organic non - fat milk , natural oat germ , raw unfiltered honey ; walnut shells , organic herbs of gotu kola , comfrey , licorice , orange peel , elder flowers , gotu kola , chamomile , marshmallow ; green tea , schizandra berry , amla berry for natural vitamin c , hamamelis , yerba santa , cardamom , white willow bark , fennel ; natural bee propolis , organic grapefruit seed extract , natural pineapple papaya enzymes , organic essential oils of lemon , orange , ylang - ylang , vanilla and benzoin 脫脂牛奶麥皮蜂蜜核桃殼甘草藥屬葵雛菊橙皮洋甘菊綠茶天然蜂膠菠蘿及木瓜酵素茴香小豆蔻西柚籽檸檬依蘭云呢拿及安息香等。

Organic non - fat milk , natural oat germ , raw unfiltered honey ; organic herbs of echinacea , gotu kola , comfrey , elder flowers , chamomile , calendula , marshmallow , birch bark , licorice , lavender , sorrel , yarrow , neem , custom harvested bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c , organic grapefruit seed extract , organic essential oils of orange and mandarin , and benzoin , a natural resin 脫脂牛奶燕麥純天然香草精華,如洋甘菊葡萄柚薰衣草維他命c有機葡萄柚柚安息香金盞菊蜂膠橙皮有機云呢拿依蘭蜂蜜提煉而成。

Organic herbs indian gooseberry , schizandra berry , green tea , comfrey , st . john s wort , fo - ti - tieng , ginseng , orange leaves , echinacea , gotu kola , calendula , linden flowers , elder flowers , calendula succus , cowslip , organic primrose oil , hand crafted bee propolis , coriander co2 , cq10 , organic oils rose hip seed hip , organic evening primrose , hazelnut ; amla berry for natural vitamin c , natural vitamins a and e , organic essential oils of orange and ylang - ylang , and essential oil of damask rose 本精華素可有效加強成熟皮膚的新陳代謝,內含的有機香薰如橙葉綠茶金盞菊紫椎花,及維他命a c e ,可抗氧化抗衰老?斑去印去紋,令皮膚更生。而它蘊含的骨膠原,可加強彈性和光澤,有緊膚作用。

Organic aloe , organic oils of mission olive , rice bran , jojoba , organic herbs of gotu kola , german chamomile , lavender , golden seal , white oak bark , slippery elm , horsetail , horse chestnut , tansy , wood sorrel ; natural viatmin c ; natural vitamins a and e , organic grapefruit seed extract , bee propolis , organic essential oils of helichrysum and german chamomile 蘆薈橄欖油有機糙米可可巴可拉樹德國藍甘菊意大利蠟菊薰衣草燕麥蜂膠有機西柚子精華,天然維他命a , e等。

Raw unfiltered honey , organic gotu kola , comfrey , fo - ti - tieng , ginseng , orange leaves , gotu kola , ginseng , linden , elder flowers , chamomile , st . john s wort , birch bark , sorrel , sassafras , sarsaparilla , wild ginger , yerba santa , licorice , tansy , coriander co2 , organic cardamom , bee propolis , organic essential oils of lemon and bergamot 天然蜜糖可拉樹雛菊人?甘草樺樹粟色洋甘菊橙葉黃樟姜莞茜豆寇果實蜂膠艾菊伴香薰油包括:檸檬及佛手柑等。

Organic gotu kola , echinacea , calendula succus , st . john s wort , plantain , calendula , roman chamomile , comfrey , celandine , linden flowers , peppermint , figwort , fuchsia , lavender , sorrel , tansy , yarrow , calendula co2 , natural bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c , natural vitamins a and e , organic essential oils of orange , mandarin and benzoin 蘆薈蜂蠟薰衣草鵝腸草雛菊可可巴油紫椎花歿藥羅馬甘菊金盞花艾菊金印草天竺葵佛手柑天然維他命a及e ,檸檬油等。

Organic aloe , organic oils of mission olive , rice bran , hazelnut , borage , evening primrose , black currant , organic herbs of gotu kola , comfrey , black elderberry , ginseng , marshmallow , licorice , violet , yarrow , caraway , amla berry for natural vitamin c , organic essential oils of orange , ylang - ylang , vanilla and neroli 這輕柔而滲透力強的補濕霜,對受損或發炎的暗瘡皮膚,特別有效。其珍貴的成份如洋甘菊金盞花紫草和鵝腸草等草本精華,更可以深層保濕。

Then , putin , flanked by defense minister sergei ivanov , stood on board of the pyotr veliky cruiser to watch the sineva missile blast out of the water and vanish into the gray sky after being launched by the submerged nuclear submarine yekaterinburg near the kola peninsula 在俄羅斯國防部長謝爾蓋?伊萬諾夫的護衛下,普京接著登上了“彼得大帝”號巡洋艦,觀看位于科拉半島附近的俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡核潛艇發射導彈,導彈沖出水面,消失在灰色的天空中。

Organic borage oil , organic rose hip seed oil , hazelnut , organic evening primrose , comfrey , chamomile , clary sage , eyebright , gotu kola , ginseng , lavender , meadowsweet , rose petals , blue flowers , bachelor organic german chamomile co2 , organic essential oil of neroli , essential oils of damask rose and carrot seed 琉璃苣油玫瑰果油榛子油月見草雛菊鼠尾草藍甘菊人參薰衣草玫瑰花瓣橙花大馬士革玫瑰油胡蘿卜籽油等。

Our nourishing eye cream is a symphony of rich , organic oils , including rose hip , jojoba , essential oils of lavender , blue chamomile , jasmine , neroli and carrot oil . the skin cells will experience impulses to regenerate from the synergy of organic herbs of gotu kola , rose petals , blue flowers etc 玫瑰果油榛子油蘆薈雛菊月見草鼠尾草藍甘菊人參薰衣草玫瑰花瓣橙花藍甘菊茉莉胡蘿卜籽油等。

Organic oils of rose hip seed , jojoba , mission olive , coconut , wheat germ non - gmo , rose hip seed , bees wax , vegetable castor oil , organic coca butter , honey , thyme , sage , cow slip , gotu kola , amla berry , cuckoopint , ginseng , turmeric , bee propolis , natural vitamin 玫瑰果油榛子油蘆薈人參薰衣草玫瑰花瓣橙花可可巴油蜜糖蜂膠百里香鼠尾草天然維他命e ,檸檬油等。

In addition , the skin cells will experience impulses to regenerate from the synergy of organic herbs of gotu kola , rose petals , blue flowers , bachelor button and vitamin a - rich , carrot - seed essential oil . economical to use as only a small amount is needed 玫瑰果油榛子油蘆薈雛菊月見草鼠尾草藍甘菊人參薰衣草玫瑰花瓣橙花藍甘菊茉莉胡蘿卜籽油等。

The supplement contains four highly effective elements - garcinia cambogia , chitosan , kola nut and gymnema sylvestre - that help reduce hunger and body fat absorption , thereby helping to control body weight and keep fat at bay 纖體樂自2001年4月推出以來,備受用家推崇,更幫助不少纖體人士成功實踐纖體目標,回復窈窕身裁,重拾自信。

This product adopts prescription studied by american scientists , is prepared from deep - sea tuna crude oil riches in dha , natural ve , gotu kola pe grows in subtropical zone , folic acid , taurine chitosan , flaxseed oil , etc 世界衛生組織發表聲明:鑒于-亞麻酸的重要性和人類普遍缺乏的狀況,決定在世界范圍內專項推廣-亞麻酸。

Geoflair cleansers are very concentrated , so use about 1 4 of what you would normally use . regenerating and healing herbs , including helichrysum , gotu kola , calendula , golden seal , penetrate deeply into the skin 適合很乾及敏感皮膚使用,其中意大利蠟菊可以抗菌排毒及令細胞更生,又可保濕及去紅印。

Floral water of witch hazel , pearl water , organic horsetail , organic witch hazel , organic gotu kola , organic st . john s wort , organic elder , organic linden , organic essential oils of lemon and lime 珍珠水榛樹有機木賊屬植物可拉樹菩提樹等的萃取物及有機香薰油,包括檸檬和青檸,金縷梅薄荷等。

Contains four ingredients effective in reducing and absorbing fats - garnicia cambogia , chitosan , gymnema sylvestre and kola nut . suitable for those looking for a trimmer figure 蘊含四種有效消脂和吸脂成分,包括滕王果、蟹殼素、武靴葉和可樂果,健康而有效地控制體重。適合想均勻纖減全身脂肪的人。

Contains : red clover leaf and flowers , nettle and meadowsweet leaf , calendula , chamomile and lavender flowers , gotu kola leaves and , a pinch of stevia 紅花苜蓿葉與花朵、蕁麻葉、繡線菊葉、金盞花、洋甘菊、薰衣草、雷公根、甜菊葉。

Contains garnicia cambogia , chitosan , gymnema sylvestre and kola nut , which together help accelerate metabolism and promote the burning of fat . 含滕王果、蟹殼素、武靴葉及可樂果,有助促進新陳代謝,達到燃燒脂肪的效果。