
koch Koch , Robert 羅伯特柯霍〔1843-191...


The development team , led by alliant techsystems corp , included heckler & koch ( h & k ) of germany , which won the contest to supply the 20 mm and 5 . 56 mm gun mechanisms 彈道計算機同樣在彈藥發射時以電子方式提供數據設置彈藥的引信時間以保證它在飛行正確的距離之后引爆。

Mayor koch yesterday signed into law what he called “ the single most important piece of health legislation “ passed by the city council ? the anti - smoking law 葛市長昨天把他所謂市議會所通過的“獨一不二對市民健康最重要的立法”反吸煙法簽署成為法律。

Maybe you can ' t really blame him , but mayor koch obviously hasn ' t looked at himself in the mirror lately , especially when he says president reagan is a wimp 也許你實在不應該責備葛市長,他顯然最近沒照照鏡子,尤其他不應該說里根總統是一個窩囊廢。

There has been more than 100 years since koch s discovery but tb is still a major health problem around the globe , especially in the developing world 自發現結核桿菌,至今已一百多年,結核病仍然是全球人類健康的威脅,尤其是發展中的國家。

The koch fractal is also applied to small loop antenna and the analysis results show that the koch fractal can improve the input resistance of small loop antenna Koch分形也被用于環天線,研究結果表明koch分形可增加小環的輻射電阻。

Koch realized very early that the development of simple methods for obtaining pure cultures of bacteria was a vital requirement for the growth of the new science Koch早就認識到發展簡單的細菌純培養技術是這門新科學成長的要害。

In this paper , the applications of koch fractal , tree - like fractal , minkowski fractal and sierpinski fractal in antennas are studied 本文主要研究了koch分形、 minkowski分形、樹狀分形和sierpinski分形在天線中的應用。

For1989 , mr . koch proposed to spend $ 123 million on new and expanded programs , bringing the board ' s total budget to $ 6 . 3 billion 葛德華先生提出將在1989年度花費1億2300萬元在新添及擴大的項目,使該局全部預算達到63億元。

11 pollefeys m , koch r , van gool l . self - calibration and metric reconstruction in spite of varying and unknown intrinsic camera parameters 因此,在工程領域中,在求解一個方程組之前,知道它的獨立個數很必要和重要

Effects of different amount of organic fertilizer on populations of aphis gossypii glover and tetranychus urticae koch and the yield of cucumber 有機肥不同用量對瓜蚜和葉螨種群數量及黃瓜產量的影響

Study on the planting and management technology of nutrition liquid for test - tube seadlings amorphophallus konjac k koch and stereo planting mode 魔芋試管苗的營養液栽培管理技術和立體栽培模式初探

Noel koch recently left his pentagon office toting an overnight bag and rode to washington ' s national airport 埃爾?科克最近曾攜帶一只輕便旅行袋,離開國防部五角大樓辦公室,駕車前往華盛頓機場。

This line of reasoning led koch to adopt meat infusions and meat extracts as the basic ingredients in his culture media 這種想法引導koch采用了肉湯和肉膏作為他的培養基的基本成分。

Reinhold koch is the leader of the nanoacoustics group at the paul drude institute for solid state electronics in berlin 柯克在德國柏林的德魯得固態電子研究所領導奈米聲學小組。

Feinstein was asked how he as a jew could square his endorsement of jackson with koch ' s admonition 有人問范思坦,他以一個猶太人不顧葛德華的勸阻來支持杰克遜,怎么說得過去呢?

Adam : well when germans answer the telephone they just state their family name , like “ schmidt “ or “ koch “ 亞當:他們接電話時,只會講自己的姓,例如施密特、科赫等。

Christian koch concocted an organic diesel fuel that contained garbage and run - over cats among its ingredients 當被強令砍掉向日葵和玉米后,當地養牛人只能用大麻喂牛。

7 koch a j , meinhardt h . biological pattern formation : from basic mechanisms to complex structures 當已知細胞間的排斥力后, cm模擬的效率主要取決于排斥計算的速度。

Effects of three plant growth regulators and cutting date on softwood cuttings of viburnum awabuki k . koch 3種植物生長調節劑與扦插日期對珊瑚樹嫩枝扦插成苗的影響