
koan n.【佛教】心印,以心傳心〔佛教禪宗沉思中的重要一環,以...


Besides , we invited soprano who stayed in japan , germany iap kun - gi and tenor au siu - hiong to sing the song , pianist ong ai - lun and kho keng - koan , to create this cd solemnly and strictly , texts inside has been using roman punctuation as to make it easier for one to sing 此外,更邀集留學德、日的女高音葉君儀及男高音歐秀雄演唱,鋼琴家王愛倫與許景涓伴奏,精心嚴謹的錄制月娘半屏圓cd ;歌詞加注羅馬拼音,以利世人的傳唱。

The rinzai ( chinese : lin - chi ) sect , introduced to japan from china by the priest ensai in 1191 , emphasizes sudden shock and meditation on the paradoxical statements called koan 林濟宗,是中國的禪師林濟于1191年引入日本,著重于突然其來的打擊和對稱為心印的的荒謬的悖論進行冥想。

“ good , fast , cheap : choose two “ is an old engineering koan . one of the three must be sacrificed for the sake of other two “優質、快速、低成本:只能同時選擇其中兩個“是一個舊的工程定律,其中的一個必須為另外兩個而作出犧牲。

Saying that time races along at one second per second has as much scientific weight as the utterance of a zen koan 說時間以每秒一秒的速度前進,與禪宗公案中的妙語相較,科學的分量其實沒有什麼差異。

Koan , questions and answers 我執與觀音