
knucklehead 〔口語〕傻瓜,笨蛋。


And knowing he takes the heat of his players and for us fans so the knuckleheads in the press and away stand will leave us at peace while trying to make him as appealable as darth vader 也知道他為了他的球員和我們球迷,故意吸引愚蠢的媒體和客隊球迷的注意,當他們試圖把穆帥弄得像達斯?維德一樣冤枉時,我們卻得到了平靜。

And a knucklehead mcspazatron 是個大笨蛋

You knucklehead ! how could you have mixed the dog food with the cereal 你這個笨蛋!你怎么會把狗食和谷類混到一塊呢?

- to who ? - don ' t be a knucklehead -賣給誰? -別犯傻了

To who ? - don ' t be a knucklehead 賣給誰? -別犯傻了

And you knuckleheads thought that snaps was goin ' straight 而你們這些白癡還以為snaps已經改邪歸正了

Hey , listen , you two knuckleheads 嘿,你們兩個傻小子聽好了

On her honeymoon she realize she have marry a knucklehead 在蜜月時,她才明白自己嫁了一個白癡。

Out of mr . and mrs . average - knucklehead .口袋里的每一分錢都吸過來

. . . out of mr . and mrs . average - knucklehead . . .口袋里的每一分錢都吸過來

Knucklehead walks into a bank with a telephone 傻瓜拿著一部電話走進銀行!

Those yellow knuckleheads ' ears are too thin and yellow 那幫黃毛又瘦又黃呆頭呆腦

I ' ii think about it ! get out of here , you knucklehead 我會考慮的!走吧!笨蛋!