
knowledge n.1.知識;學識,學問。2.了解,理解;消息。3.認識...

knowledge economy

He made the decision without my prior knowledge or consent . 他瞞著我做出了決定。

The door to knowledge is study . 通向知識的門徑是學習。

We hope to gain a lot of knowledge from them . 我們希望能從他們那里學到很多知識。

His knowledge fails to go very deep . 他的知識不很精深。

He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry . 他想擴充自己在這一行業的知識。

To the best of my knowledge she is still living there . 就我所知,她還在那里住。

Knowledge makes one humble; ignorance makes one proud . 知識出謙遜;無知生狂傲。

He has a strong thirst for knowledge . 他有很強的求知欲。

Knowledge will accrues to you from reading . 讀書能增智。

My knowledge of english stood me in good stead . 我的英文知識給了我很大的用場。

My knowledge of the subject is practically nil .. 我在這方面的知識幾乎等于零。

He had no knowledge of what a fatal dose might be . 他不知道致死的劑量是多少。

He has an intimate knowledge of african religions . 他有對非洲宗教的廣博知識。

His knowledge and experience increase with his days . 他的知識和經驗與日俱增。

His knowledge about the subject is very profound .. 他在這方面的知識非常淵博。

What is going to be done with all this knowledge ? 究竟應該如何運用這些知識?

His knowledge is simply voluminous . 他的知識是極其淵博的。

Mathematical knowledge was certain . 數學知識是確定無疑的。

Her knowledge of french is a plus in her job . 她會法語,這對她工作很有好處。