
knothole n.(木板或樹上的)節孔。


The proper in hubei milky way is new to decorate plank industry limited company is a the house is engaged in exclusively material research development and productions that construct the modern and large business enterprise sell , owning now two years produce 3 , 000 , 000 sour calcium inin square meter knothole production line , is a sour calcium in biggest of hinterland knothole to produce the base 湖北宜昌銀河新型裝飾板業有限公司是一家專門從事建筑材料研究開發及生產銷售的現代化大型企業,現擁有兩條年產300萬平方米硅酸鈣板的生產線,是內地最大的硅酸鈣板的生產基地。