
knickers n.〔pl.〕1.〔口語〕knickerbockers....


The man notices that he cannot wear slipper , knickers , vest when summer , even go into battle stripped to the waist , shoe of recreational outfit , sportswear , travel is unsuited at the office 男士在夏天時注重不能穿拖鞋、短褲、背心,甚至赤膊上陣,休閑裝、運動裝、旅游鞋不適宜于辦公室。

The spice girl , who also won entrepreneur of the year , attended the london event dressed in a corset and pair of frilly knickers 辣妹身穿束腹緊身衣和鑲褶邊燈籠褲出席在倫敦舉辦的頒獎禮,她同時獲得“年度企業家”稱號。

I can ' t trust him to do anything when he is alone because he worries and gets his knickers in a twist about the smallest thing 他獨自一人時我不放心讓他做任何事,因為他總是憂慮重重,哪怕是最小的事情都弄得昏頭昏腦的。

Shannon christie : that ' s not dancing . that ' s kicking her knickers up . and i bet if you asked her to , she ' d kick her knickers off 那不叫跳舞,那叫把她的褲子跳下來。我打賭你讓她這么做,她也會的。

Don & acute ; t get your knickers in a twist . i know he & acute ; s a pain in the neck , but we just got to keep him safe till monday 別沮喪了。我知道他挺煩人的,但是我們只要保證他的安全到星期一就行了。

Don ' t get your knickers in a twist . i know he ' s a pain in the neck , but we just got to keep him safe till monday 別沮喪了。我知道他挺煩人的,但是我們只要保證他的安全到星期一就行了。

Mick : don ' t get your knickers in a twist . i ' m waiting for the oil to heat . you can ' t rush an artist 米克:你不要著急啊。油還沒熱呢,我正在等。你不能催促藝術家啊。

I promise i won ' t spend more than a hundred pounds in the sales so don ' t get your knickers in a twist 我答應我去逛賤賣場時花費不會超出100英鎊,因此你不必驚慌。

Dorko in the plaid knickers is gonna hit it again and walk some more 那個穿著格子呢燈籠褲的笨蛋將會再打一下球,然后再走一段路

Knickers o ' muffin 我叫短褲?松餅

Every mother in this room is wetting her knickers for him for their daughters 這個房間里的每個媽媽都在為自己的女兒物色男友呢

Great . i ' m late with mad hair and can barely breathe in scary knickers 頂著蓬亂的頭發、裹著透不過氣的束腹褲我遲到了

Full breeches gathered and banded just below the knee ; knickers 燈籠褲一種在膝蓋下部收攏扎緊的寬松的褲子;燈籠褲

And my knickers are not in a twist 我可沒有獨斷獨行喔

He likes to sniff the ladies ' knickers 他喜歡聞女人的內褲

Hey ! don ' t get your knickers in a twist 別把事情都自己攬上身

Was l ? - yeah . “ wear my wet knickers 是么? -當然了“穿上我濕濕的短衫褲

L was pulling it down . your knickers were showing 我就是把裙子拉下來你襯褲都露出來了

And a cheap plastic apron and some knickers 和一塊便宜的塑膠工作裙以及一條燈籠褲