
knew know 的過去式。


Is he known in these parts ? 咱們這方近左右的人,認識他不認識他呢?

I should like to know how they use her ! 我很想知道他們如何對待她!

Don't you think i bloody well know ! 難道你認為我真的什么都不懂嗎?

You know my vagabond and restless habits . 你知道我的閑游浪蕩的習慣。

Now he was known as a steady man . 現在他已被大家認為是一個可靠的人。

This is the truth in so far as i know it . 就我所知,這是真實情況。

I don't know anything at all about dickens . 關于狄更斯我一無所知。

I knew her innocent and trusting heart . 我知道她的心是天真無邪的。

How do you know a fake from the original ? 你怎樣識別膺品和真品呢?

They know he's got the popular touch . 他們知道他掌握受人歡迎的風格。

He seemed to know intuitively how to do it . 他似乎憑直覺知道如何做。

She knows french , much more english . 她法語也懂,英語就不必說了。

I know how people chatter in england . 我知道英國人會怎樣說長道短。

He may be a good man for anything i know . 據我所知,他可能是好人。

He knew that there was a spring farther up . 他知道上面有一個泉眼。

I do not know where the money goes ! 我不知道錢都花到什么地方去了。

I know him by sight , but not to talk to . 我見過他,但沒跟他說過話。

She knew she was destined for a great future . 她知道自己前程遠大。

I know a little something about explosives . 我懂得點有關炸彈的常識。