
knave n.1.流氓,無賴。2.〔古語〕仆人。3.(紙牌中的)杰...

knave in grain

Prince vassily had the air of a man weighed down by affairs , weary , worried , but from sympathetic feeling , unable in the last resort to abandon this helpless lad , the son , after all , of his friend , and the heir to such an immense fortune , to leave him to his fate to become a prey to plotting knaves 瓦西里公爵擺出那副樣子,就像某人負擔沉重精疲力盡似的,但出于憐憫,他終究不能拋棄這個孤立無援的少年,聽憑命運和騙子們的擺布,皮埃爾畢竟是他的朋友的兒子, aprstout他擁有這么一大筆財富。

This is t way on t : - up at sundahn ; dice , brandy , cloised shutters , und can le - lught till next day at nooin : then , t fooil gangs banning un raving to his cham er , makking dacent fowks dig thur fingers i thur lugs fur varry shaume ; un the knave , wah he carn cahnt his brass , un ate , un sleep , un off to his neighbour s tuh gossip wi t wife 是這樣的方式太陽落時起床,擲骰子,白蘭地,關上百葉窗,還有蠟燭,直到第二天中午然后,那傻瓜就在他臥房里乒乒乓乓亂鬧一場,使體面人都羞得用手指頭堵起耳朵來。那個壞蛋呢,他倒能恬不知恥地又吃又喝,到鄰居家跟人家老婆瞎扯去。

The king and queen of hearts were seated on their throne when they arrived , with a great crowd assembled about them - all sorts of little birds and beasts , as well as the whole pack of cards : the knave was standing before them , in chains , with a soldier on each side to guard him ; and near the king was the white rabbit , with a trumpet in one hand , and a scroll of parchment in the other 當他們到達時,紅心國王和紅心王后正坐在王座上,還有一大群各種小鳥獸圍著他們,就像一整套紙牌。那個武士站在他們面前,用鏈條鎖著,兩邊各有一名士兵看守著。國王旁邊站著白兔,一手拿著喇叭,一手拿著一卷羊皮紙。

Rostov proposed as a rule of the game that the one who was king should have the right to kiss marya hendrihovnas hand , and the one who was left knave should have to fetch another samovar for the doctor , when he waked . well , but what if marya hendrihovna is king ? asked ilyin 按羅斯托夫建議的規則玩,誰做了“國王” ,誰就有權親吻瑪麗亞亨里霍夫娜的手,而誰做了“壞蛋” ,則要在醫生醒來時,為他燒好茶炊。

Six hundred roubles , ace , corner , nine ; winning it backs out of the question ! and how happy i should be at home . the knave double or quits , it cant be ! and why is he doing this to me ? rostov pondered and thought “六百盧布愛司角九點贏回錢來是不可能的!呆在家里多么愉快啊杰克上要加倍下賭注這是不可能的啊!他干嘛硬要這樣對待我呢? ”

If they are willing to endure distrust and ostracism , they may also take hunter , knave , man - at - arms , or raider , although they may have difficulty finding teachers 如果她們愿意忍受質疑和偏見,她們也可以選擇獵手,游民,戰士或者掠襲者,盡管他們或許在找到老師方面會遇到困難。

Then followed the knave of hearts , carrying the king s crown on a crimson velvet cushion ; and , last of all this grand procession , came the king and queen of hearts 接著,是個紅心武士,雙手托著放在紫紅色墊子上的王冠。這龐大的隊伍之后,才是紅心國王和王后。

The situation , in any event , was a terrible one , and might be thus stated : if phileas fogg was honest he was ruined ; if he was a knave , he was caught 總之,當前的情況是很可怕的。如果看不出福克內心深處的打算,這種情況就會使你得出這樣的結論:

And , moreover , at this fair there is at all times to be seen juggling cheats , games , plays , fools , apes , knaves , and rogues , and that of every kind 而且此處終年可見變戲法的,騙子,搞游戲的,演戲的,傻瓜,學舌者,壞蛋,流氓,各色各類。

Please your majesty , said the knave , i didn t write it , and they can t prove i did : there s no name signed at the end 這時,武士開口了: “陛下,這不是我寫的,他們也不能證實是我寫的。末尾并沒有簽名。 ”

The queen of hearts , she made some tarts , all on a summer day : the knave of hearts , he stole those tarts , and took them quite away 夏日的白天竟發生這樣的事情:紅心武士偷走了餡餅,全都帶走匆忙離境! ”

Describe the weaknesses of your approach and how you would compromise privacy in your system if you were a medical knave 如果你是一個醫學上的高手,請在你的系統中闡述你的方法的弱點和你是如何揭開秘密的。

His head was not strong : the knaves he lived amongst fooled him beyond anything i ever heard 他的腦子不大健全,那些同他相處的無賴,不擇手段欺騙他。

The queen turned angrily away from him , and said to the knave turn them over 王后生氣地從國王身邊轉身走開了,并對武士說: “把他們翻過來。 ”

Back in his home town of vitebsk by 1914 , chagall joined the knave of diamond group 1914年他回到家鄉維捷布斯克,參加了方塊杰克小組。

Cried he , who by his mien seemed the leader of the party . saucy knave 這一行人中一個首領模樣的漢子大吼道, “魯莽小廝!

A crafty knave needs no broker 狡猾的流氓

He is a knave in grain 他是一個壞透了的人。

Once a knave , ever a knave 一朝失足,鑄成千古恨。