kmt KMT =Kuomintang.
KMT =Kuomintang. “kmt korea mobile telecommunications“ 中文翻譯: 韓國移動遠程通信“kmsun“ 中文翻譯: 南湖樂園“kmtc“ 中文翻譯: 高麗海運; 昆明機床股份有限公司; 七星輪船有限公司“kmsquare kilometre“ 中文翻譯: 平方公里; 千平方米“kmtv“ 中文翻譯: 需要你“kmsquare kilometer“ 中文翻譯: 平方公里“kmtv km“ 中文翻譯: 愛上她; 來過倒“kmsoft“ 中文翻譯: 開目“kmu“ 中文翻譯: 五一工聯“kmsl“ 中文翻譯: 考馬斯亮藍
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Although the negative impact of kmt regime was not negligible , yet 12 medical universities made an obvious contribution to the development of sichuan ' s medical education , and also left a significant effect on the local public health 各校在川的建設發展,不僅保存了我國的醫學教育實力,而且還對四j ! i地區醫學教育事業的拓展和現代醫學的傳播起到了無可估量的作用。 |
In any event , the proliferation of cable television stations , some of which carry programming openly hostile to the ruling party , has greatly diminished the importance of kmt control over the three established stations 北大西洋公約組織四年來對南斯拉夫問題的立場分歧,正反映出在威脅非顯而易見的時代,維續聯盟的向心力及威信會有多么困難。 |
Although considerable progress has been made toward loosening kmt control of the broadcast media , some critics still claim that coverage has been biased in favor of the kmt and against opposition parties 如今,在后冷戰時期,處于史無前例的第一大國的地位,并在無戰爭及迫切的威脅下,我們仍維持著盟約及可觀的軍力與情報系統。 |
The new party was established in 1993 by younger kmt members who opposed the party s domination by “ mainstream “ ethnic taiwanese supporters of president and party chairman lee teng - hui 在地理空間感改變且感情受到傷害的俄羅斯,其政治精英會故意挑起并利用反西方情緒來爭權奪利。但我們也有錯。 |
It appears that if the recall motion fails as expected , the kmt and the pfp may have different views on pfp threats to bring a no - confidence motion against the cabinet and to unleash street protests 看來,罷免表決如沒通過,親民黨要力推倒閣和上街抗爭,但國親兩黨可能會出現紛歧的看法。 |
It is indeed shocking that , even after such a devastating defeat , the kmt is still trying to gloss over its vices and explain away its failure . the kmt is a shop of a century ' s standing 這樣慘重的失敗,竟然還粉飾依舊,敷衍依舊百年老店,若是店東一心想關門,顧客也愛莫能助,是不是? |
Before the national liberation , the soldiers resided in jingpo village yunnan province smashed the conspiracy of kmt spies and built the reservoir for local people , profit for the village 講述了解放前夕駐扎在云南景頗村寨中的我軍指戰員幫助村民粉碎敵特的陰謀為當地修建水庫的故事。 |
Nevertheless , an all - out civil war broke out in june 1946 , which eventually ended with kmt forces major defeats and the people s liberation army taking over nanjing 然而,戰后國共兩黨在建立一個甚麼樣國家問題上的矛盾最終演變為一場新的戰爭。 1946年6月,國共全面內戰爆發。 |
Nevertheless , an all - out civil war broke out in june 1946 , which eventually ended with kmt forces major defeats and the people s liberation army taking over nanjing 然而,戰后國共兩黨在建立一個甚么樣國家問題上的矛盾最終演變為一場新的戰爭。 1946年6月,國共全面內戰爆發。 |
Thus the paper considers that the future plausible relationship between kmt and pfp should be mainly decided by their rational , not affective , choices 故瞻望未來,國親全與分應是由理性的利益計算主導,而相應的制度設計情形等等,則是影響國親理性計算相當關鍵的因素。 |
Later in the 30s , the japan - colonized period , and the 70s , the kmt - governed period , two local literary movements took place in taiwan 路寒袖的臺語詩歌寫作所切入的時代氛圍,恰在論者所謂的臺語文學的多元開拓期亦即八年代下半葉至九年代的今天。 |
The opening of this station would eliminate the kmt s monopoly on broadcast television , and represent a significant move toward more complete media independence 但是此一聯盟至今仍存續著,因為兩國都想要也需要保有它。最近的臺海危機更增加了它的必要性。 |
Among the social movements , political opposition activities were the most outstanding due to the intensity of the kmt s control over taiwan s society 瞿教授認為:在所有的社會運動中,政治反對運動可說是最顯著的。主要原因是政府對社會的不適當掌控。 |
In july 1937 , japan launched the “ lugouqiao incident “ which provoked the war of resistance against japan . the ccp and the kmt cooperated for the second time 1937年7月7日,日本發動盧溝橋事變,中華全民族抗戰爆發,國共實現第二次合作。 |
In 1928 , the nationalists ( kmt ) establish nanking ( or nanjing ) as the capital , and peking ( or beijing ) is rename peiping 尤其是門外兩邊的八字墻,隨高就低,一抹而下,形式很自然,并無生拉硬拽、強行拼湊的感覺。 |
So , kmt government ordered these schools to move to the safer places . in the movement , 12 medical universities came to sichuan 隨著國府的遷都重慶,四川成為了抗戰后方重地,因此,有不少高校遷往四川,其中醫學高校12所。 |
The 1931 kmt and ccp chinese communist party marriage laws both continued provisions for free choice marriage and divorce “ sutcliffe 至于不懂潮流趨勢,最簡單的例子就如近來的低成本電影社團之奪位。 |
If the heaven wants to destroy a political party , it will make it mad first . i can ' t see any rationale behind the kmt - pfp alliance 上天要毀滅一個政黨,必會使其瘋狂。現在完全看不到國親的理智何在? |
Ho tsai - fong , a standing member of the cfl s board of directors , is also a member of the kmt s central standing committee 唯有在這一籮筐的問題都處理完之后,他認為我們才有馀力去關心較次要的事情。 |