
kittiwake n.【動物;動物學】三趾鷗;海鷗。


With the two whaleboats out and towing , and with carlsen heaving the lead , the kittiwake sluggishly entered a deep and narrow indentation 兩艘小艇在前面拉纖,卡爾森帶頭吆喝著號子, “基蒂韋克”號緩緩地開進這又窄又深的海灣。

But sometimes the soul does come up , shoots like a kittiwake into the light , with ecstasy , after having preyed on the submarine depths 但是在海底掠食后的靈魂,有時也會象海鷗似的狂喜地向著光明展冀疾飛。

With the two whaleboats out and towing, and with carlsen heaving the lead, the kittiwake sluggishly entered a deep and narrow indentation . 兩艘小艇在前面拉纖,卡爾森帶頭吆喝著號子,“基蒂韋克”號緩緩地開進這又窄又深的海灣。