
kittenish adj.1.小貓似的;嬉耍的,活蹦亂跳的。2.忸怩作態的...


The champagne she had been drinking had flushed her a rosy - red ; her lips were moist ; her eyes sparkled , and the banker s offers rose with every kittenish movement of her shoulders , with every little voluptuous lift and fall of her throat , which occurred when she turned her head 她喝下肚的香檳酒使她的面頰上泛起玫瑰紅,她的嘴唇濕潤,目光炯炯每當她的肩膀撒嬌地一扭,轉頭時脖子肉感地微微鼓起,銀行家就增加一次價錢。

Sonya got up , and the kitten revived ; its eyes sparkled , and it was ready , it seemed , to wag its tail , spring on its soft paws and begin to play with a ball , in its own natural , kittenish way 索尼婭稍微抬起身子來,那只小貓也活躍起來了,一雙小眼睛閃閃發光,它好像就要搖搖尾巴,伸出四雙柔軟的腳爪霍地跳起來,又要去玩耍線團,好像它適宜于這種游戲似的。