
kitsch n.〔德語〕 迎合低級趣味的拙劣作品。adj.-y


Other films set in the past , such as bet on my disco and wet dreams have employed the kitsch code and are too childish , but the classic distinguishes itself from these films with a sophisticated and composed depiction of both past and present 俊河懷著沉重的心情渡過馀下的暑假。暑假過后,俊河回漢城上課。班上的泰秀要他寫情書給一女孩子,而這女孩正好是珠喜。

Rooted in fairy tale references and jabs at the now - dissolved 40 - year relationship between mattel s most favourite dolls , pang delivers the kitsch without the cheese , playfully balancing the comedy and the innocence with aplomb 王子復仇記是男人的古典悲劇,主角換了性別,卻是cynical導演的一次女性心理揭秘,刁鉆,笑里藏刀,回味無窮。

Part country - kitchen , part heritage - kitsch , this hotel is a gloriously kooky place somewhat reminiscent of staying with a mad great aunt . it ' s also very good value for money 一部分是鄉村風格的廚房,一部分是古老俗氣的設計,這家旅館是個顯得非常怪異的地方,令人多少會想到和一個狂熱的姑婆待在一起.也是個能賺錢的地方

He can guess the age of some of the older cantonese restaurants by the style of picture on their walls - the kitsch embroidery on silk was very popular in the 1950s , for example 天津良鄉栗子,品質最佳。放入黏上焦糖的粗砂粒中炒香,單看著那賣栗的熟練炒工,已教人目瞪口呆。

It ' s super kitsch but super fun 很俗氣但十分有趣。

It is a remarkable exhibit of revolutionary kitsch 這個革命遺留物品的展覽是非同尋常的。