
kitchener n.1.廚師,廚房總管。2.〔英國〕(燒飯用的)鐵爐。


And governments were ridiculous : our own wait - and - see sort especially so . and armies were ridiculous , and old buffers of generals altogether , the red - faced kitchener supremely . even the war was ridiculous , though it did kill rather a lot of people 一切政府都是可笑的,投機主義的英國政府,特別可笑,車隊是可笑的,尤其是那些老而不死的將軍們,至于那紅臉的吉治納將軍更是可笑之至了。

The isu grand prix final is held in kitchener , ontario , the past weekend 國際冰聯大獎賽決賽上周末在加拿大安大略省的基琴娜舉行。