
kiowa n.1.(pl. Kiowa(s)) 凱歐瓦人〔美國俄克...


According to the 3 indexs , an order of dought resistance of the 13 varieties was given from hight to low by synthetical method i . e . : willamette , rasberry from england , chest , silvan , boysen , tulameen , rasberry from american , sertodi , kiowa , blackbutte , orus , rasberry from russian , summit 對各品種進行了兩兩之間的單因素多重比較,以3個指標為主進行綜合分析對各品種抗旱能力進行排序:威廉姆特英國紅徹斯特塞爾文百勝圖拉明美國紅費爾多德佳果黑巴提奧瑞斯俄國紅秀美特。

The kiowa helicopter went down near the city of kirkuk 這架“奇歐瓦”直升機在基爾庫克城市附近墜落。