
kinsfolk n.〔pl.〕 〔集合詞〕家屬;親戚;親屬〔亦作 kin...


The event of tess durbeyfield s return from the manor of her bogus kinsfolk was rumoured abroad , if rumour be not too large a word for a space of a square mile . in the afternoon several young girls of marlott , former schoolfellows and acquaintances of tess , called to see her , arriving dressed in their best starched and ironed , as became visitors to a person who had made a transcendent conquest as they supposed , and sat round the room looking at her with great curiosity 午后時分,馬洛特村里有幾個年輕的姑娘,從前是苔絲的小學同學和朋友,一起來看望她,她們來的時候身上穿的衣服,都是她們漿洗過熨平了的最好的衣服,因為她們認為,苔絲是一個勝利歸來的卓越征服者,她們要做她的客人她們在屋里坐成一圈,帶著好奇的心情看著她。

The children , who had made use of this idea of tess being taken up by their wealthy kinsfolk which they imagined the other family to be as a species of dolorifuge after the death of the horse , began to cry at tess s reluctance , and teased and reproached her for hesitating . tess won t go - o - o and be made a la - a - dy - of - ! no , she says she won t 孩子們在王子死了以后,一直存了苔絲嫁給他們有錢親戚的想法在他們的想象里,那一家人一定是他們的親戚,并以此作為一種安慰,這時候看見苔絲猶豫著,就開始朝苔絲嚷起來,罵她,埋怨她猶猶豫豫的。

Mr clare has gone hwome to emminster to spend a few days wi his kinsfolk . for four impassioned ones around that table the sunshine of the morning went out at a stroke , and the birds muffled their song 那張桌子上坐著四個情意綿纏的姑娘,對她們來說,那天早晨太陽的光芒突然黯淡無光了,鳥兒的啼鳴也變得嘶啞難聽了。

Often in their haste to get to the “ land of echoing screams , “ the goblin paradise , they may “ accidentally “ take a few of their younger kinsfolk with them 他們在加速沖向自己最后的“狂呼地帶“ ,也就是小妖精所謂的天堂時,會“不小心“地帶上幾個自己的同類共同前往。

So jehu slew all that remained of the house of ahab in jezreel , and all his great men , and his kinsfolks , and his priests , until he left him none remaining 王下10 : 11凡亞哈家在耶斯列所剩下的人、和他的大臣、密友、祭司、耶戶盡都殺了、沒有留下一個。

So jehu slew all that remained of the house of ahab in jezreel , and all his great men , and his kinsfolks , and his priests , until he left him none remaining 11凡亞哈家在耶斯列所剩下的人和他的大臣,密友,祭司,耶戶盡都殺了,沒有留下一個。

Although the two governments try to restrict the issue of passports to ethnic kinsfolk in these neighbours , they cannot stop them coming 雖然兩國政府都盡力限制向那些鄰國兄弟發放的護照數量,但這無助于改善這一局面。

And ye shall be betrayed both by parents , and brethren , and kinsfolks , and friends ; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death 連你們的父母、弟兄、親族、朋友、也要把你們交官你們也有被他們害死的。

But they , supposing him to have been in the company , went a day ' s journey ; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance 44以為他在同行的人中間,走了一天的路程,就在親族和熟識的人中找他。

Thank god that we are in time , she said to the priest ; all of us , his kinsfolk , have been in such alarm “謝天謝地,總算趕到了, ”她對一個神職人員說道, “我們大伙兒,這些親屬多么擔心啊。

When we met the next day mother said , “ please take us as your kinsfolk after your grandma s passing 我習慣性的照顧大家坐好,然后幫大家買飯。師妹說: “你今天什么也別管,我們來照顧你。 ”

There was something i wanted to ask you . have you ever heard anything from your father s kinsfolk , the eyres 我有件事兒要問你,你父親的親屬,有沒有寫過信給你,就是那些姓愛的人? ”

Well , resumed mr . rochester , if you disown parents , you must have some sort of kinsfolk : uncles and aunts “好吧,羅切斯特先生繼續說, “要是你沒有父母,總應該有些親人。

On the modern law culture transition from the kinsfolk and inheritance rules in draft civil law of qing dynasty 兩編的界定看我國法律文化的近代轉型

My kinsfolk have failed , and my familiar friends have forgotten me 14我的親戚與我斷絕。我的密友都忘記我。

But he said kinsfolk was kinsfolk, and promises was promises, so he'd go for a day or so, and then it would be over . 可是他說親戚到底是親戚,既然答應了去,就只能去一趟,住上一兩天也就算了。